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John locke » grasshopper. Extrude Mesh Faces In conjunction with a form-finding exercise in Kangaroo, I was searching for a way to render a single, closed mesh as if it were an inflatable form made of individual, stretchy panels – think soccer ball. Since I was already starting with a mesh, I needed something that could extrude and manipulate individual mesh faces normal to the face centroid with a certain degree of flexibility.

I couldn’t find much online, so I put together a super basic, simple grasshopper file. Aside from some of the typical drawbacks with using meshes in Rhino (which have actually become a lot more workable in Rhino 5), I think it’s reasonably clean. Download here: Parametric facade apertures on swooping surfaces are out, parametric emoticons are in. Bucky was right I’ve used genetic algorithms for form finding with a previous project, and that time I was using a tenuous connection between catia, modeFrontier and Robot. Grasshopper. Evolutionary algorithm (galapagos)

Parametric Design. Grasshopper - algorithmic modeling for Rhino. Parametrics | Pratt Institute Interior Design 659 class blog.