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New In iPhone 3.0 Tutorial Series, Part 2: In App Email, MessageUI. Welcome back! In the first part of this series, I showed how to implement Shake To Undo/Redo and NSUndoManager in an iPhone app. This time, we’ll add in-app email to a simple iPhone application using the new-in-3.0 MessageUI framework. Technically neither mail from an app nor MessageUI are new.

MessageUI was a private framework prior to 3.0, and apps could send mail using URLs, though in a limited way. In any case, with 3.0 and MessageUI, sending messages is straightforward and full featured. We’ll start with working code for a simple app with a UI containing a single button. Source/GitHub The code for this tutorial is available on GitHub. Open a terminal and change to the directory where you want the codeClone the repo by typing git clone I’ve made two separate commits to the repository — an initial commit without in-app email, and a second one with those capabilities added. Type git checkout 0019071d855e6d3a9f263b8a02d9c7d93dc5dcd2 Orientation Adding The MessageUI Framework Conclusion. iPhone Programming Tutorial: Integrating Twitter Into Your iPhone Applications. If you are a developer (which you most likely are if you are reading this) you probably have (or should have) a Twitter account.

With Twitter getting so much attention lately, you would be crazy to not include some sort of Twitter integration into your own iPhone application. There are many ways applications can be made more social by including Twitter. For example, you could make the application auto-tweet when you unlock a special item in a game, or beat it.

This lets all of their friends know they are playing your game and in turn gets you more exposure. You could also use this as an idea for creating your own Twitter client (don’t just submit my tutorial to the app store). Twitter has provided us with some very simple API’s to follow making it a snap to interface with them. One thing I want to note before starting is: I will be going rather quick through the tutorial when it comes to creating the interface and hooking up the IBOutlets. Let’s get started… iPhone SDK: Using Facebook Connect for iPhone, Working with Extended Permissions Part 2 of 2. Posted by Tim Stephenson, RaddOnline® on Sunday, March 22, 2009 Clearing Up UI Confusion In part one, I describe using the Facebook Connect for iPhone SDK.

In the sample application provided by Facebook, a Get Permission button checks to see if the user has granted the appropriate extended permission to the application. It is a permission to post status updates. The permission needs to be granted only once. I’ll provide a sample project at the end of the article. Plan of Action The documentation describes the process for working with the API, and provides two samples of interest: And Either works.

Select status_update from permissions where uid == 1234 In the second example, use the Users.hasAppPermission method to confirm if the user has opted into the extended permission. For my example, I’ve decided to go with the first approach. . - (void)request:(FBRequest*)request didLoad:(id)result Creating the Permission Status Class Right click on the Source group and select Add => New File. iPhone SDK: Using Facebook Connect for iPhone Part 1 of 2. Posted by Tim Stephenson, RaddOnline® on Saturday, March 21, 2009 Sharing with Friends, Now Even Easier Earlier this week Facebook released Facebook Connect for iPhone, which allows us to connect iPhone apps to the Facebook web site. Facebook Connect for iPhone is a set of classes that can be added to your xCode project and used to ease the process of logging into the site, granting extended permissions and posting status updates to the feed.

If you’d like to read more, check out these articles: The video and information on the Facebook developers page are straight forward and easy to follow. Missing From the Facebook Documentation The documentation and the video provided by Facebook assume a certain level of experience creating Facebook apps. A Facebook user must grant extended permissions before your app can post a story to the user’s feed. Getting Started with Facebook Connect. Simple way to integrate facebook. reused & reduced code.One line code to do actions! Iphone facebook connect simple integration and example Yesterday I shared my helper class on paginating data. Today I will share how I use facebook connect to use in iPhone apps. Problem of the approach described in facebook conenct website: 1. need to change the project settings include path 2. need to write lots of code to show login prompt, publish code, ask permission , update status etc. Though these does not seem to be problematic but it really kills time if you are developing quite a few apps and integrating facebook connect into them.

I just encapsulated all the reusable code into a single class and a protocol for required callbacks like what should be done if logged in/out, facebook username fetched by query etc.