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iOS App Development: Auto Rotation | Burtons Media Group. X-Code Tutorial - Auto Rotation Implementation Video by Supertecnoboff » Free Videos » Free Tutorials » Free Classes Online. Changing Views to Landscape Mode. Iphone - Inaccurate device orientation retuned by UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification. AlternativeViews in iPhone | iPhone Tutorial | iPhone iOS4 iPad SDK Development & Programming Blog. Orientation change - coordinate system changes too. Code » Handling rotations in UIViewController. In this post I’ll give a few general tips for handling device rotations at the UIViewController level. These tips are for code using iOS (formerly known as iPhone OS) 3.0 or later, which includes all iPad code. 1. In willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:, size and position the view for the new orientation. This sounds obvious and easy, but there are a lot of innocent-seeming ways to screw this up.

In this method, you can think of the rotation as being done, and that you’re now moving things to fit the new screen size. You do not have to do any rotations yourself. You do not have to make any calls to UIView’s animation methods. One way to think about your responsibility in this method is as follows: Imagine someone started with a tall skinny monitor as their only display, and then unplugged it and plugged back in a short wide monitor.

WillAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: method has the job of making things fit nicely on the new monitor. 2. 3. Methods. 4. Handling layout on UIInterfaceOrientation change |