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Photoshop Tutorials - Crystal Clear Iris. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tool, create a perfectly circular selection following the reference image to the left.

Photoshop Tutorials - Crystal Clear Iris

TIP: To create a perfectly circular selection, press shift while making the selection. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, deselect half of the circular selection. TIP: To deselect portions of existing selections, take any selection tool and press alt while starting a new selection. The area this new selection encompasses will be removed from the existing selection. Reset the Color Palette ( Press D ). Tutorials. Photoshop Enhancing Tutorials. Adobe Photoshop is the premier tool for digital artists when it comes to professionally enhancing images. Whether you’re a beginner just learning the ropes or an advanced user looking for unique techniques to add to your Photoshop arsenal, you’ll find some tutorials here that you’ll surely want to bookmark. In this article, you’ll discover plenty of tutorials that deal with enhancing images, adding unique and impressive effects, and recreating digital replications of popular traditional photography techniques. 1.

Cross Processing. Web Design Tutorials.