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Speakers @ WordCamp Gold Coast 2011. WordCamp Gold Coast 2011 will offer 2 tracks of talks featuring some of Australia’s WordPress finest users and developers.

Speakers @ WordCamp Gold Coast 2011

The tracks are: Low Tech Track - This track will focus on the uses of WordPress for generating content, blogging, content creation, content management and content strategy.High Tech Track - This track will be more development focused. The speakers will be talking about the more technical aspects of developing with WordPress, including plugin development, theme development, using frameworks for developer and scaling WordPress. There are several formats of talks for the event which include: Regular talk with slides and Q & A (approx. 30 mins plus 15 mins questions)Lightning Talk (5 mins, 20 slides, 15 seconds a slide)Practical (Hands on workshop/Live Demo) WordCamp Sydney July 21-22 2012.