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Making Mom Life Easier by Mom Sense

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11 BEST TOYS TO IMPROVE FINE MOTOR SKILL IN BABIES. Your baby is ready to enter the next fun milestone in their life where they want to explore and move around.


Check out these 11 amazing toys that can help your baby improve their fine motor skills and also help them explore the world around them! You just saw your baby hold his rattle for the very first time. Pretty exciting right? Watching these little ones go through each and every milestone is so much fun and the moment in their life when start to grasp things and put them in their mouth, knock over a set of blocks, is a sign that they are now in the next stage of their life where they are ready to explore and feel the things around them. Help them through this stage by introducing them to new and fun toys in their routine that can help develop their fine motor skills. Totally MOM-Sense. TREASURING MY KIDS ARTWORK WITH ARTKIVE. This post was sponsored by Artkive as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.


If there is one amazing love that I have developed after becoming a mother, it is doing arts and crafts activities with my little Mishika all the time. It’s our favorite thing to do and spending time making creative arts and crafts at home is such a great way to bond as well. Especially during the last year, when I was homeschooling Mishika I found that arts and crafts were a great tool to teach her new things. FLOWER SOUP - EASY SPRING SENSORY BIN. What do you do with all the flowers that your kids can't stop plucking?


Well, you can create a sensory bin with them that your little ones will love exploring and it will also help your child build connections in a meaningful way. Sensory play plus water fun are two of my most favourite activities to do with my daughter. BAKING SODA VINEGAR EXPERIMENT FOR TODDLERS & PRESCHOOLERS. Are you ready to introduce science to your little ones?


It could not get easier than this fun baking soda vinegar experiment that is so simple to set up and will keep your toddlers and preschoolers hooked for really long. I am sure by now if you have been reading my blog, you guys know how much I love setting up activity bins for my daughter. It's the perfect way to teach her something new, as well as the activity is always contained inside the bin. So there is less mess for me to clean up after! This fun and easy science experiment using baking soda is one of my favourite activity to set up for my daughter. 15 SPRING CRAFTS IDEAS FOR KIDS. With a new season comes so many new things and experiences for your little one to explore.


Try these spring crafts with your kids to introduce them to the spring season. It’s been so good to finally be able to spend some amazing time outside in the sunny weather. I have been enjoying taking my daughter out for walks in the parks and spot earthworms and fresh buds on the trees. SNOW PAINTING (EASY WINTER ACTIVITY FOR KIDS)

Wondering what to do with all the snow around you?


Bring it inside and let your little ones have fun painting it and watching all the colors mix as the snow starts to melt. Although it's March here which is pretty much the start of Spring weather everywhere around, but out here in Buffalo, we still can expect snow until April mid. So what do we do to pass time around when it's still below freezing outside – try and do some indoor activities to keep my daughter busy at home. Let Your Kids Have Fun Even Indoors. Homeschool your Kids with Activities. Learn How to Stay Motivated During Pregnancy. Keep your Baby Busy and Continue your Work From Home Job.

It's unlikely that you'll be able to take your child outside to burn off some energy during this lockdown period.

Keep your Baby Busy and Continue your Work From Home Job

Knowing what to do when you have a hyperactive child inside can be valuable at these times, and even more when you are working from home. You must be looking for ideas on how to keep toddlers busy indoors. Due to the fact that it requires physical expertise, planning, and organization, constructing buildings out of blocks is an excellent workout for your child's developing body as well as mind. Shop the Best Printable and Sensory Activities for Your Munchkin. Printable activities packs come in a lot of varieties and patterns; for example, if you want your child to learn about colors at first, then you can buy that, and if you want your child to learn shapes first, then you can go for a printable which can teach your child shapes.

Shop the Best Printable and Sensory Activities for Your Munchkin

In such exercises, there are no restrictions to follow, so kids can do whatever they wish. In a child's imagined world, green skies and blue grass are pretty common. They enjoy picking a color that they want and applying it to an image. When children are allowed to choose colors that they prefer without fear of being criticized or humiliated, their creativity and imaginative powers blossom. The ability of a youngster to retain continuous concentration requires time to grow and improve. A Handful of Knowledge About Mothers and Their Work-Life. Working women have long been a challenge to achieve a healthy work-life balance while simultaneously preserving their relationships.

A Handful of Knowledge About Mothers and Their Work-Life

The situation is amplified even more in a professional woman who has children since she must balance her children, work, and marriage. This can result in embarrassment, resentment, and stress for both the professional woman and her family. A Handful of Knowledge to Handle Little Ones. You should look into why your infant fusses and gets irritated during or after feedings, the baby might need a burp.

A Handful of Knowledge to Handle Little Ones

Burping your baby is a vital aspect of the feeding process that can help your baby relax—wondering when to start burping a baby? It's crucial to burp the baby after each feeding while the baby is awake, even if asleep. Get in Touch with the Best Brand to Shop Learning Activities for Your Kids. Children, especially at a very young age, are like little sponges, soaking up any information they can get their hands on about their surroundings. You will learn the majority of what you need to know about your three-year-old by watching them play and interacting with his or their peers.

For your three-year-old child, everyday occurrences can provide a plethora of different learning opportunities to explore. At the same time, there are various daily skills and tasks that you can begin teaching your toddler right away. As a three-year child is relatively very young, and if you feel insecure to send them to school, there is a solution for the issue. Let your Child Grow Smartly with Learning Activities. A parent’s top priority is the education of their children.

Almost all parents are concerned about how they will impart to their children all of the knowledge that will be essential to their survival from the time they give birth to their child. Even fundamental obligations like informing the kid about happenings at home will become insufficient as the child grows more prominent and independent. He will need to attend school on a regular basis to properly absorb and retain the principles that are being taught to be successful.

School is where children learn to appreciate education and recognize the importance of formal education throughout their first few years on the planet. 14 FUN FALL THINGS TO DO WITH KIDS. Looking for fun fall activities for your little one. Find a complete list of 14 fun fall activities to do with your little ones to keep them busy. Crisp cold air, colorful fallen leaves everywhere, the pumpkins, Halloween, and much more… Definitely, FALL is one of the best seasons in the year. And as with the new season always comes a bunch of new activities you can try with your little one to keep them active and entertained throughout the season. Now that my little girl, Mishika is almost one year old she has started to play and understand many things around her. I love taking her to new places, trying new activities with her, and exposing her to new experiences. 12 CUTE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES FOR KIDS. Find twelve cute Halloween costumes to dress your little one in.

With Halloween around the corner, it the time of the year when you can dress up your little one or yourself into your favorite cartoon, sci-fi, or movie characters. Halloween has always been a lot of fun experience for me and I am overly excited, as this year will be my little girl's first Halloween and guess what she was born on Halloween that makes it her first birthday. PREVENT KIDS FROM COLD AND CONGESTION. Are you looking for methods to prevent cold and congestion in kids this winter season? Here are a few simple cold and congestion prevention tips that you can try at home that can help provide relief to your child. One of my biggest challenges as a new mom was my baby girl suffering from cold and congestion many times this winter. As we live in the upstate New York region, we have harsh winters with severe snowstorms and below-freezing temperatures quite often.

As my daughter was born at the start of the severe winter in later October, she often suffered from cold and congestion from as early as four weeks old. She was sneezing and coughing and had to stop breastfeed every few minutes to breathe as her nose was all stuffed up. BEST CHILDREN HALLOWEEN BOOKS, FOR ALL AGES. 10 EASY ELF ON THE SHELF FOR BUSY MOMS. 15 HEALTHY HABITS TO TEACH YOUR KIDS FOR A BETTER LIFE. BENEFITS OF ‘PLAYTIME’ WITH KIDS. HOW TO RAISE HAPPY KIDS. 10 REASONS WHY ROUTINE IN KIDS IS IMPORTANT + (FREE AM/PM ROUTINE PRINTABLE FOR KIDS) Buy Learning Activities to Encourage Your Preschooler from the Best Online Store. Provide your Kids with Printable Activities. Get Learning Activities Stuff from Your Little One.

Few Tips to Keep Your Little One Busy at Home. Get Amazing Printables and Sensory Activities for Your Child. Make your Child Smart Using Learning Activities. Let your Toddler's Mind Grow in the Most Amazing Ways. A Handful of Knowledge About Babies Upbringing. Tips to Guide How to Homeschool Your Preschoolers.

LEARNING TO READ CAN BE EASY AND FUN WITH READING EGGS. 10 BENEFITS OF READING TO YOUR CHILD THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW. 20 CLASSIC MOVIES THAT YOU CAN WATCH WITH KIDS. THE BEST FAMILY BOARD GAMES BY AGE GROUPS. How to Keep Toddlers Busy at Home While Working. HOW I AM SAVING FOR MY DAUGHTER’S EDUCATION WITH THE NY 529 DIRECT PLAN. Tips for Working Mothers to Balance Work Life. Understanding the Benefits of Learning Activities for the Toddlers. Check out these Awesome Sensory Activities for Busy Toddlers.

Know About Some Learning Activities for 4 Year Olds. Things to Teach Learning Activities for 2 Year Olds. Things That You Can Teach Learning Activities for Your 3 Year Olds. Find a Way How to Balance Mom and Work-Life. Totally MOM-Sense. Kid Activities Supplies. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Totally MOM-Sense. Making Mom Life Easier.