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Life Inspirations. 3919 164 160 618 1223 124 1130 443 1204 266 416 688 123 290 171 1012 111 126 1767 1806 134 3125 1424 1998 473 273 2152 538 1736 841 516 451 758 811 5021 2764 2246 3018 2375. The 30 Quotes Project by Photographer Romain | Animal Photography. Some of My Favorite One Liners.

Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes. Albert Einstein on God « A Life of Wonder. January 4, 2011 by quiverandquill Einstein was asked, “Do you believe in the God of Spinoza.” To which he replied: “I can’t answer with a simple yes or no. I’m not an atheist and I don’t think I call myself a pantheist. I love the beauty and simplicity of this–and especially the phrase–”a universe marvelously arranged,” how better to describe the sublime beauty beyond our understanding.

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