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Conversion Marketing. Does optimization ever end? How we grew Crazy Egg’s conversion rate by 363% Do you suspect that your conversion rate couldn’t be improved upon? In this case study—which we believe is our most useful one yet—you’ll see specific methods for getting win after win from a site that already is an extremely strong performer. Plus, we’ll tell you how to get a free, annotated PDF of all the persuasion techniques we used to create wins—so you can apply them to your own site. A graph showing how much we increased Crazy Egg’s conversion rate. (The increase in revenue is even greater, because we also increased the value per conversion, as you’ll read below.) Overview Many people ask us if there’s a point at which conversion rate optimization gives diminishing returns.

If you’re serious about conversion, you’ll most likely already know about Crazy Egg, the web-analytics service that allows you to see exactly where your website visitors click. We have been able to engineer a long series of wins for them, which have increased their revenue well into the seven figures. 1. 2. 3. 4. How to Scroll the Page With JavaScript. This page demonstrates how to use the JavaScript scrollBy and setTimeout methods to make a web page scroll down automatically. Change the timeout value to alter the scrolling speed in milliseconds. The example function below (arbitrarily called pageScroll) shows how this can work: function pageScroll() { window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout('pageScroll()',100); // scrolls every 100 milliseconds } To being scrolling automatically when the page loads, add the following code to the body tag: To begin scrolling when prompted by the user, call the function from a link or button: Text Link <a href="javascript:pageScroll()">Scroll Page</a> Button Stop Scrolling The pageScroll() function causes the page to keep scrolling forever.

Function stopScroll() { clearTimeout(scrolldelay); } <a href="javascript:stopScroll()">Stop Scrolling</a> Scroll Directly to a Particular Point Use the scroll() method to jump to a particular point on the page. Split-testing 101. Includes a list of 108 ways to increase your website's profits Here’s how to get lots more customers—free—using split-testing software. Using split-testing software is a powerful way to increase your website's conversion rate (that is, its ability to turn visitors into customers). Many of the web's most powerful companies, including Amazon and Google, use this technique.

Here’s our essential guide to increasing your conversion rate using split-testing software. First, what does split-testing software do? If you had two possible headlines for your webpage but couldn’t decide which one to use, you could run an A/B split-test in which Half of your visitors would see Headline A, andThe other half would see Headline B. You could then tally the orders for each headline and determine which headline brought you the most. The split-testing software lets you carry out tests like this, although such tests often take several weeks to finish. And we would be testing these variables all at the same time! 7 Simple Copywriting Tweaks That’ll Shoot Your Conversion Rate Up. The Power of The Nudge: How to Convert Visitors Into Customers. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness: Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein: 9780143115267: Web Toolbar - Get More Clicks with the Hello Bar Notification Bar.