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36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body. Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out.

36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body

By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system. Artichokes help the liver function at its best, which in turn will help your body purge itself of toxins and other things it doesn’t need to survive. It ups the liver’s production of bile, and since bile helps break down foods which helps your body use the nutrients inside them, an increase in bile production is typically a good thing. Apples are full of wonderful nutrients. Almonds are the best nut source of Vitamin E. Basil has anti-bacterial properties, and it’s full of antioxidants to protect the liver. Vegetarian Recipes - BasilandFig.

Bio . végétarien. Légumes perpétuels. Tour d’horizon des légumes perpétuels et vivaces. A une époque où l’on cuisine du durable (et pas que de lapin) à toutes les sauces, peut-être est-il bon de réfléchir à de nouvelles manières d’envisager nos propres légumes.

Tour d’horizon des légumes perpétuels et vivaces

Le jardinage ne serait-il pas lui aussi soumis à la frénésie consumériste au même titre que le reste? Nos légumes actuels sont le fruit d’une sélection basée sur une certaine façon de cultiver, de "consommer" le jardin. De plus une grande partie de nos cultures nous vient de pays situés sous des latitudes plus clémentes, ce qui implique un travail conséquent pour adapter ces cultures : semis au chaud, rempotages successifs, amendements spécifiques, irrigation importante, soleil et chaleur … Il faut qu’on les adapte à un environnement qui n’est pas le leur et si on a mal bouclé notre affaire, elles souffrent ce qui engendre développement de maladies cryptogamiques, multiplication de parasites et donc : traitements, etc.

Le cercle vicieux le plus équitablement partagé dans le monde… ail des ours – alium ursinum. ASTUCES de Cuisine-Santé ♥ ♥ ♥ ALIMENTATION SAINE ♥ (décroissante et végétarienne) AUTRES aliments, épices et plantes, rois et reines. Les poissons. Confitures. Fabriquer du fromage de chèvre. Temperate Climate Permaculture: Cheese. Queso Blanco - one of the most simple cheeses to make at home Queso blanco, literally white cheese, is about the simplest cheese we can make.

Temperate Climate Permaculture: Cheese

Whole milk is heated to just below boiling. An acidifying agent is added. The milk curdles. The curds are drained. The Public Will Not Stop Eating Processed Foods, So We Need A New Approach. March 15, 2013 by KAREN FOSTER The Public Will Not Stop Eating Processed Foods, So We Need A New Approach In other words, let's get all the toxic ingredients that are potentially causing an untold number of diseases out of processed foods and replace them with others which will not harm people.

The Public Will Not Stop Eating Processed Foods, So We Need A New Approach

We will not change millions of decision makers overnight, but we can aim to improve the nutritional status of processed foods so they are no longer a threat to public health. The only pragmatic and workable solution to help beat the global health battle against obesity and non-communicable diseases is for industry and policy makers to work together to reformulate processed foods with better nutritional values, says Jack Winkler. List of Foods We Will Lose If We Don’t Save the Bees. Many pesticides have been found to cause grave danger to our bees, and with the recent colony collapses in Oregon, it’s time to take a hard look at what we would be missing without bee pollination.

List of Foods We Will Lose If We Don’t Save the Bees

In just the last ten years, over 40% of the bee colonies in the US have suffered Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Bees either become so disoriented they can’t find their way back to their hives and die away from home, or fly back poison-drunk and die at the foot of their queen. There are many arguments as to what is causing CCD, but the most logical and likely culprit is the increased usage of pesticides by the likes of Monsanto and others. A study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has labeled one pesticide, called clothianidin, as completely unacceptable for use, and banned it from use entirely. Meanwhile, the U.S. uses the same pesticide on more than a third of its crops – nearly 143 million acres. 13 razones para comer la semilla del aguacate. Eating Less Meat Is World's Best Chance For Timely Climate Change, Say Experts.

Thai Recipes. Temperate Climate Permaculture: Food Preservation. A well stocked pantry should include some of our own preserves!

Temperate Climate Permaculture: Food Preservation

My sister Katie sent me a book on preserving for Christmas. It is a great book, and I will review it soon. I have dabbled a bit with preserving in the past. When I lived in Kentucky, I made some Black Cherry Jelly, Crabapple Jelly, and Blackberry Jam. They were all great. Cocktails : Trucs et astuces... 30 Shots. 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water. How to Make Ice Cream In 5 Minutes. Préparer une pâte à tartiner maison, c’est bon pour la santé !

Cinnamon Apple Dessert. This week’s #SundaySupper is being hosted by Cindy of Cindy’s Recipes and Writings . Cindy is bringing us straight from summer to fall with an amazing Autumn Apple Party! I have to be honest and say that when I heard this week’s theme, I had a moment of hesitation. Why? Because Jen doesn’t really *do* apples. I’d rather eat just about anything other than an apple.