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UnSplash. CC Search. Banco de Imágenes y Sonidos. Imágenes gratis - Banco de fotos gratis libres para blogs □ Free Stock Photos · Search 40+ sites with LibreStock. Free wallpapers and images in high quality. Free photos for creative use - Death to the Stock Photo. 550+ Royalty-Free Stock Photos You Can Download Now. Let me tell you a quick, cautionary tale about copyright law and using photos and images online. A couple years ago, a popular stock photography vendor claimed copyright infringement on an image we used in one of our ebooks. Embarrassed, I quickly investigated. As it turned out, another internet user had purchased the offending image from that same stock photography service and uploaded it to a photo-sharing website under a Creative Commons license.

So while on the surface it looked safe for the taking, it was in fact falsely promoted as a royalty-free image ... and we were in the wrong. Scary story, right? That's when it hit me: What if marketers didn't have to shell out more money for images, obsess over copyright laws, and fret about permissions? Download 80 new stock photos here to use however you want, royalty-free. But don't stop there ... 565 Royalty-Free Pictures to Download and Use We have four collections of stock photos you can download here: 80 Assorted Stock Photos.

Life Of Pix - Free Stock Photos & Images - Photography. Picjumbo — free stock photos. Gratisography: Free high-resolution photos. Collections. The Leading Source Of Free Stock Photos - freeimages. Stockvault. : royalty free photography project - a public domain stock photo collaboration. Imagebase: Free Stock Photography. Flickr. Compfight. Creative Commons licensed photos are a sort of internet miracle: By providing an easily-understood syntax for attribution and permissions, they make it possible to add visual interest to blog posts, web sites, syllabuses, presentations–anything you like, really.

They also facilitate remixes and other forms of creative adaptation (or deformation), which can be useful in a wide variety of teaching and research contexts. We’ve written about Flickr & Creative Commons before: I explained how to do creative-commons limited searches, and Julie suggested integrating creative commons-licensed material in your classroom.

I also reviewed Wylio, a website that searches Flickr. (Wylio has since adopted a different business model.) Beyond photos, George has detailed how to find free, re-usable content for your classroom. Compfight offers a very simple search interface: Click for full size. It is worth acknowledging that Flickr is no longer the world-beating community it once was. Return to Top. Pics4Learning. Photo Pin. Morguefile. Free Photos Bank. Free Pixels. Every Stockphoto. Public domain photos.

Photos8. Icon Search Engine. Fotografías Católicas y Gratuitas en HD - Cathopic.