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Apps for Democracy - An Innovation Contest by iStrategyLabs for the DC Government and Beyond. To Launch In May. You missed something. He was asked to provide a document that every citizen born in america now days, and at the time of his birth is required to have by law. The law doesn't say you have to carry it or even have it in your possession at any time, but one HAS to exist if you were born in America during Obama's lifetime. If he was not born in America, does not have an American birth certificate, but was naturalized because his parent(s) was an American and gave birth abroad for some reason then he can, in fact, NOT be the President. The president can be any 'natural born citizen of the united state, over the age of 35 years. Natural born does not mean that it can't be a test tube baby. When that statement was written, test tube babies weren't even in anyones imagination yet.

It means they have to be born on US soil. The founding fathers however had a very valid fear of someone trying to sneak in and subvert the newborn country considering what they had been through. Blog Archive » Plurkair, cliente de escritorio para Plurk. Plurk: empieza la fiesta » blogpocket 7.0. Feedtweeter.