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Vestidos sexys en la alfombra roja. Ma vérité toute nue | Robin Korth. Me voilà, nue devant le miroir, toutes les lumières allumées, et je me prépare mentalement. Je respire profondément et me positionne, ainsi que les miroirs, afin d'être bien certaine que je peux me voir en entier. Je me déleste, d'un effort conscient, de l'image que je me fais de moi-même. J'ouvre les yeux et j'observe attentivement mon propre corps. Mon coeur a été chambardé par la vérité: je ne suis plus une jeune femme. Je suis une femme de 59 ans et excellente santé et en très bonne forme physique.

Pourquoi cet examen approfondi de mon propre corps? Nous nous étions connus via un site de rencontres. Le lundi suivant, lors d'un appel téléphonique, j'ai demandé à cet homme qui avait partagé ce lit avec moi pendant trois nuits consécutives pourquoi nous n'avions pas fait l'amour. J'étais abasourdie. Nous avons continué notre discussion, mais j'étais toujours sous le choc de la nature de cette conversation. Retrouvez les articles du HuffPost C'est la vie sur notre page Facebook. Close. ‘Undress Me’, The Official Sequel To The Viral ‘First Kiss’ Video. Journalist Explores Global Beauty Standards In Thought-Provoking Photo Project.

The original unedited photo ‘Before & After’ is a thought-provoking photo project by Kansas-based journalist Esther Honig, in which she explores how standards of beauty vary from different countries around the world. Honig started out by sending an unedited photo of herself to about 40 Photoshop experts from around the world on Fiverr, requesting that they Photoshop her photo to “make her beautiful”. She explains on her website that through this project, it made her realize that “Photoshop allows us to achieve our unobtainable standards of beauty, but when we compare those standards on a global scale, achieving the ideal remains all the more illusive”.

Each of the altered photos are definitely unique and is an interesting insight into how different cultures perceive beauty. Check out some altered images below or view the rest here. [via Buzzfeed, images from Esther Honig] Receive interesting stories like this one in your inbox. ¿Cómo se vería un hombre normal en un anuncio de ropa interior?

Inicio > cuerpo Autor: Amy Bellete | Visitas: 109,918 | Fecha: 26/09/2013 10:13:19 am Google + 56.2KMeneame Tal vez desde las campañas contra la anorexia a finales de los 90, tal vez después, pero lo cierto es que el cuerpo femenino comenzó a ser revalorizado con el revival de las curvas en la publicidad, y hoy en día la gente está más o menos enterada que las modelos de Victoria’s Secret no son el estándar de la mujer “normal”. ¿Pero qué hay de los hombres? El periódico inglés The Sun publicó una serie de fotos donde cuatro sujetos “normales” posan tratando de reproducir las fotos de cuatro modelos (dos de ellos atletas profesionales) para mostrar el contraste entre el cuerpo masculino idealizado por la publicidad de ropa interior para hombres, y los hombres que en la vida real usan esos productos.

El resultado es cómico y nos invita a reflexionar sobre las expectativas que la sociedad pone en la apariencia, y cómo esta se construye también a través de las imágenes publicitarias. Tortured Beauties - China. Mis tetas y yo | Acapulco70. Egon Schiele : History of Erotic Art. Egon Schiele (1890 – 1918) was an Austrian painter. As a favorite protégé of Gustav Klimt, it was thought that Schiele would go on to be Klimt's successor were it not for Schiele's untimely death at the age of 28, less than a year after Klimt. In his short career Schiele painted portraits of the Vienna elite, was a pioneer of Expressionism with both his portraits and his landscapes, and was one of the most prolific draftsman of erotic art in the early 20th century. Egon Schiele is known for being grotesque, erotic, pornographic, and disturbing, focusing on sex, death, and discovery.

After Schiele was trained classically by the Academy of Fine Arts, he sort out his idol, Gustav Klimt, who was impressed with Schiele's work and went on to mentor him as well as provided support through buying and exchanging drawings with him, arranged models for him, and introduced him to many of his patrons. In 1912, Schiele was arrested for seducing a girl below the age of consent. Pin-Up Girls: 100 Years Of Erotic Photos From Mark Rotenberg. Last week we travelled back in time to the Roaring 20s, where pin-up glamor involved bizarre costumes and a flair for drama. This week we're continuing to feed our obsession with retro erotica by tracking the evolution of the glamor shot from 1860 to 1960. These racy mementos come courtesy of Mark Rotenberg, who has been collecting historically titillating images for over 30 years.

Rotenberg explained in an email: "My collection began in earnest when I found a treasure trove of art and erotica in a dumpster in Brooklyn Heights, NY in 1980. An old codger/neighbor had died and the City took over his estate. What they didn't steal, they tossed into a dumpster. " His archives, which currently contain over 95,000 vintage photos, have been featured in Taschen Books, New York's Museum of Sex, and Hollywood's Erotic Museum.

"I guess my favorite era would be the period from 1900-1930. Watch the evolution of erotica in the slideshow below and let us know you thoughts in the comments. Close. Louis Vuitton Video Sparks Outrage Amid Prostitution Allegations. This article titled “Fashion video sparks outrage amid prostitution allegations” was written by Lauren Cochrane, for on Thursday 28th March 2013 11.44 UTC The French fashion house Louis Vuitton has been accused of glamorising prostitution in an advertising campaign video to showcase the label’s autumn/winter collection. The video has sparked outrage in France after Libération, the leftwing newspaper, published a letter signed by various high-profile lawyers and intellectuals accusing it of “assimilating luxury with the world’s second most profitable criminal activity after drug trafficking”. One signatory, Dominique Attias, a lawyer who is outspoken about gender issues in France, called it “an extremely shocking representation of women”.

In the video, which was also hosted on the Guardian website, models including Georgia Jagger and Cara Delevingne wander through the dark streets of Paris wearing lingerie-inspired clothes, stopping to lean into car doors. Video coloca a modelos de Louis Vuitton como prostitutas. Arabia Saudí habría expulsado a este hombre por ser "demasiado guapo" Barcelona. (Redacción) . -Omar Borkan Al Gala es fotógrafo, actor profesional, poeta y, según las autoridades de Arabia Saudí, demasiado guapo e “irresistible” para las mujeres saudíes. Este último hecho habría provocado que las fuerzas del orden de la Comisión para la promoción de la virtud y la prevención del vicio expulsasen sin contemplaciones a Borkan Al Gala del país y a otros dos hombres por el mismo 'delito'. Según el periódico Elaph, se habrían mostrado ciertas preocupaciones porque las mujeres locales pudieran sentirse atraídas hacia los "irresistibles" turistas, lo que es peligroso de acuerdo con las estrictas normas islámicas.

La noticia ha dado la vuelta del mundo y varios diarios se han hecho eco de ella. Los tres hombres participaban en un festival cultural en Riad cuando fueron detenidos por la policía religiosa y expulsados de Arabia Saudí por "irresistibles para las mujeres". Florida Teacher Fired Over Pics From Her Second Job As A Nude Model. Teachers look different than when we were kids. Until recently, Olivia Sprauer was undoubtedly the most popular English teacher at Martin County High School in Martin County, FL.

However, once someone discovered her "eyecandy" modeling photos posted under the name Victoria Valentine James on Facebook and the modeling site Model Mayhem, the spoilsport decided to end students' opportunity to live out a Van Halen video by calling the school's attention to her second career. The photos and her profile indicate that she was engaged in nothing pornographic, and that her modeling mostly consisted of cheesecake shots for commercial print ads and magazine layouts, as well as "tasteful nudes for the right project. " The school, however, decided to reward Sprauer for figuring out a way to actually live on a teacher's salary by asking her to leave a month before her planned resignation date.

If you can figure out a better way to get kids into reading, go for it.