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Teen Bullied into Plastic Surgery. Beyond The Brazilian Butt Lift: How Fat Became A Very Creative Surgical Tool. What hath Kim Kardashian wrought?

Beyond The Brazilian Butt Lift: How Fat Became A Very Creative Surgical Tool

Last week the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) announced that butt augmentation surgery is up 16%. Butt wait, there's more: The smaller American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) outdid their colleagues by calling it 44% growth. Meet The Barbie With An Even More Perfect Body. Over the last half-century, Barbie's cultural influence has almost been as exaggerated as her proportions.

Meet The Barbie With An Even More Perfect Body

In the '90s, the average little girl in the United States owned at least one, likely spending hours tugging new outfits over Barbie's cartoonish, breast-like mounds and stuffing her stiff limbs into any household object that sort of resembled a convertible. Choosing the perfect Typeface – Cucumbertown’s journey. Update: Cucumbertown is in midst of a design overhaul.

Choosing the perfect Typeface – Cucumbertown’s journey

We are now focusing on mobile and web and the design changes are not yet reflected on the site. Subscribe, if you want to keep yourself updated. The more you stare at it, the weirder it gets. Infographic Demonstrates The Physical Impossibility Of Looking Like Barbie. The fact that Barbie’s proportions are unrealistic is not breaking news.

Infographic Demonstrates The Physical Impossibility Of Looking Like Barbie

But to drive the point home, created an infographic that depicts Barbie standing next to a woman of average proportions, to show just how impossible – and undesirable – it is to have Barbie’s body. Should a real woman have the doll’s body, her waist would only be 16″, half the US average, and would be too small to fit all her vital organs. Real-life Barbie would have to crawl around on all fours since her ankles and child-size feet wouldn’t be able to carry her body weight. Her head would be flopped to the side because her incredibly long and thin neck would snap should she try to support the weight of her disproportionately large cranium. A Short History Of Anti-Barbies. Over the summer, Pittsburgh-based artist Nickolay Lamm released a Photoshop project destined to go viral: "Normal Barbie" imagined what a Barbie doll would look like if she had the proportions of an average 19-year-old woman.

A Short History Of Anti-Barbies

Responses poured in: Where could people buy a doll like that? The answer: nowhere. When Co.Design asked Barbie's lead designer at Mattel if the company would ever release a more realistically proportioned doll, the answer was a roundabout Why should we? Mattel may not want to alter its magic formula, but plenty of designers over the years have tried to, including Lamm, who now plans to produce 5,000 "Lammily" dolls (read the full report from our sister site Co.Exist). They have created dolls that run against the Barbie grain for various reasons, whether it's more realistic body proportions, more racial diversity, a more age-appropriate look for young girls or even more body hair.

Huge foreheads, flat faces and saucer-like eyes: How the human face might look in 100,000 years. Artist Nickolay Lamm has created a stunning series of images displaying the evolution of the human race over the next 100,000 yearsHumans are set to develop larger heads, larger eyes and pigmented skinAdvancements in genetics mean parents will choose how they want their offspring to look with perfect symmetry of featuresMiniature bone-conduction devices implanted above the ear will work with communications lenses on the eyes, the 'Google Glass' of their day By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 02:51 GMT, 8 June 2013 | Updated: 10:59 GMT, 10 June 2013 Just as the human face has evolved considerably since stone age times so it is expected to keep changing in the future.

Huge foreheads, flat faces and saucer-like eyes: How the human face might look in 100,000 years

Today the human brain is three times the size of our primate ancestors. As our brains grew so did our heads get bigger, our skulls expanded and our features became flatter. Maniquíes suecos causan polémica. What Is Ugly? A New Exhibit Showcases The Diversity Of The Human Form. Human zoos and Victorian freak shows provide the inspiration for The Ugly Cards--a pack of playing cards, each featuring a different "character model" captured by photographer Matilda Temperley--which debut September 5 as the star attraction of a new exhibition at London art gallery Cock n Bull.

What Is Ugly? A New Exhibit Showcases The Diversity Of The Human Form

Dwarves, giants, various kinds of contortionists, transgender and tattooed body modification artists, and more feature in the project--a collaboration between Temperley, sister of fashion designer Alice Temperley, and London-based "character model" agency Ugly. 'I FINK U FREEKY' by DIE ANTWOORD (Official) Controversial "Blurred Lines" Video Gets A Gender-Swapped Parody Makeover. Are you totally over Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines video?

Controversial "Blurred Lines" Video Gets A Gender-Swapped Parody Makeover

This redux, starring the boylesque troupe Mod Carousel has given fans and detractors something new to chew on. It’s a fabulous display of lyrical parody, vocal stylings and, um, push pops. And now it’s the men who are prancing around in nearly nothing. The original video for Thicke’s big hit, featuring the fully clothed star along with fully clothed Pharrell and T.I. dancing around and mildly harassing a troupe of nearly naked (and, in the unrated version, really nearly naked) ladies, while the lyrics ("You’re a good girl," "I know you want it," "I hate those blurred lines") hint at . . . what exactly? Large Labia Project.