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VOCs SHIP panting

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00504.pdf (application/pdf 객체) Shipyardmact.pdf (application/pdf 객체) 04712222_pv.pdf (application/pdf 객체) 조광요턴(주) M-24.pdf (application/pdf 객체) Pg6-23.pdf (application/pdf 객체) 조광요턴社 부산에 신규공장 준공. 선박용 도료분야의 세계적 기업인 노르웨이 요턴(Jotun)그룹과 국내 조광페인트가 합작 설립한 조광요턴社(대표 양창호)가 BJFEZ내 지사외국인투자지역에 400억원을 투자해 신규공장을 준공했다.

조광요턴社 부산에 신규공장 준공

조광요턴사는 부산과학산업단지내 외국인투자지역 46,500㎡ 부지에 연간 4천만 리터(ℓ) 규모의 생산능력을 갖추고 31일 준공식을 기점으로 본격가동에 들어갔다. 이날 행사에는 ‘허남식’ 부산광역시장을 비롯하여 ‘아드 글레딧취 디와이’ 요턴그룹회장, ‘스타인 에릭 하겐’ 오클라그룹 회장, ‘디드릭 톤셋’ 노르웨이대사, ‘양성민’ 조광페인트 회장 등 약 400명의 내빈이 참석했다. 이번 부산공장 준공으로 조광요턴은 한국 등 아시아 시장에 있어서 선박 등 첨단도료시장의 수요에 대응할 수 있는 선진생산시설을 갖추고, 기업성장을 가속화 할 수 있는 계기를 마련했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 노르웨이 요턴그룹과 지역 도료업체인 조광페인트가 지난 1988년에 50대 50으로 설립한 조광요턴사는 2006년 11월 부산광역시와 투자양해각서를 체결하고 선박도료 제조공장 설립을 추진해왔다.

[HOOC 주요 기사]▶ [SUPER RICH] 한국 등기임원 연봉, 美보다 높다? 조광요턴사의 선박용 도료는 대우조선해양, STX조선, 삼성중공업, 현대중공업, 현대미포조선등 국내 주요 선박 메이커는 물론 세계 각국의 선박 메이커에도 수출할 예정이다. Progress in Organic Coatings - Marine paints: The particular case of antifouling paints. Abstract The authors present a general overview of marine paints, paying particular attention to the case of antifouling paints.

Progress in Organic Coatings - Marine paints: The particular case of antifouling paints

After locating these paints in the anticorrosive protection systems used on the underwater parts of ships and/or other moving structures, a summary is made of the main types of antifouling products used through history up to the present time. This is complemented by a systematic assessment of the main types of living organisms that fix themselves to the underwater parts of ships. Consideration is also briefly made of the main basic mechanisms by which the different types of antifouling paints work. Finally a number of current research lines on antifouling technologies are mentioned. Keywords Ship protection; Underwater ship areas; Marine paints; Antifouling paints; Performance mechanisms; Fouling Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. Spray Painting Efficiency Training (STAR & NESHAP) « PPRC. The Training The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) is currently providing Spray Technique Analysis and Research (STAR®) and NESHAP training to painters and paint instructors.

Spray Painting Efficiency Training (STAR & NESHAP) « PPRC

The STAR® program was developed by the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) at the University of Northern Iowa and is dedicated to improving the overall efficiency of manual spray coating operations by enhancing the techniques of spray technicians. STAR® addresses: The importance of gun adjustments to achieve proper air and fluid pressureThe importance of good equipment maintenanceCalibration and use of the LaserTouch™ technologyProper spray gun distance and orientationSpray overlap and edge painting techniques to achieve maximum efficiency Take Advantage of This Opportunity! Ken Grimm, PPRC’s Industry Outreach Lead, has completed the IWRC’s Train-the-Trainer course in addition to his nearly 20 years of industrial and automotive paint experience.

한국조선해양플랜트협회 (Korea Offshore & Shipbuilding Association) 대한조선학회. Marine.pdf (application/pdf 객체) Investigation of VOC emissions from indoor and outdoor painting processes in shipyards. NPI data - NPI. The NPI is an internet-based database that provides free information to the community, government and industry on the emissions and transfers of substances to our environment.

NPI data - NPI

The NPI is unique as it shows on a geographical basis, where substances are being emitted, and in what amount. NPI data sources The NPI database contains data from three main sources: facility emissions, facility transfers and diffuse emissions. Facility data Australian industrial facilities that meet the reporting criteria are required by law to report annually to the NPI. Fsurfc.pdf (application/pdf 객체) Clearinghouse for Emission Inventories and Emissions Factors.

Search Results. 2000NTFW.PDF (application/pdf 객체) Surface coating operation at shipbuilding and ship repair facilities. Google 학술 검색. Atmospheric Environment - Laure Malherbe, Corinne Mandin. Volume 41, Issue 30, September 2007, Pages 6322–6330 Harbours and Air Quality Edited By Elisa Canepa, Emilia Georgieva and Peter Builtjes Abstract Painting of ship external surfaces in building or repair shipyards generates significant emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) to the atmosphere.

Atmospheric Environment - Laure Malherbe, Corinne Mandin

Such emissions have not been specifically regulated so far. This study is focused on VOC emitted during outdoor work involving use of paints and solvents. Then, for two particular situations, construction on one hand, repair on the other hand, atmospheric dispersion of total VOC is simulated to assess the long-term impact (characterized by the plume extension and the annual mean concentrations) of these compounds. Finally, a health-risk assessment based on the estimates is carried out to evaluate the risks by inhalation for people living near the site. Keywords Shipyards; Outdoor painting; Volatile organic compounds; Diffuse emissions; Health-risk assessment Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ltd.