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Tools for Exploring & Harnessing Multimodal Sensor Network Data. WIRED_Event_Agenda6.pdf. The digital Swiss Army knife: Making calls now well down the list of smartphone uses, survey says. It may not come as too much of a shock to learn that making calls is not the most common use of a smartphone, but just how little people use it to speak with friends, family and colleagues may be a little surprising.

The digital Swiss Army knife: Making calls now well down the list of smartphone uses, survey says

The mobile phone was once not smart at all, and until relatively recently used primarily for making calls and sending text messages. The idea of using it to listen to music, play games or surf the web was just that – an idea. But then along came the iPhone, followed by a slew of competing devices, and everything changed. A survey by UK wireless carrier O2 of 2,000 British smartphone users found that people now spend far more time doing other things on their handset than actually making calls.

O2’s survey revealed that smartphone owners spend most time surfing the web – an average of almost 25 minutes a day. Listening to music and playing games each came in at around 15 minutes a day, while making calls was fifth in the list, at just 12 minutes a day.


Online Learning. Mobile Learning News. SKY. JISC. TED. BBC. Mindstorm - The Rise and Fall of Online Empires: Will Facebook Survive? Dear Microsoft... Dear Microsoft, I hate to do this in a letter, but I feel I'm better with the written word than I am speaking face to face.

Dear Microsoft...

I'm going to just say it. I'm breaking up with you. I know you might seem surprised, but if you look at our relationship recently, it's been heading this way for a while and I had no choice. I'm leaving you for Google. You have tried so hard to keep me interested and I have waited patiently for you to blow my mind, but it hasn't happened. I love the fact that Google is always looking to try things out. I'm not going to lie, the fact that Google plays well with others is another reason I'm making the move.

The most recent event that had me make this tough decision is Google just opened up more space in their house for me. Google actually encourages me to share with others. Google offers me everything I need when I want it. I'm sorry if I have led you on for the past couple of years. Wishing you the best, The Nerdy Teacher. [RECORDING] Connected Learning webinar on Open Badges. [RECORDING] Connected Learning webinar on Open Badges I was delighted to be asked to participate in a DML Central Connected Learning Google+ hangout about Open Badges yesterday. The recording should be embedded above, but if not try clicking . The session featured a presentation by Erin Knight , Senior Director of Learning at the Mozilla Foundation, and was facilitated by Howard Rheingold . If you like this, you’ll also be interested in the webinar Erin and her colleague Michelle Levesque ran for the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme last Friday.

In that session, they discussed Mozilla’s work around web literacies. Check that webinar out , along with Erin’s write-up . Share this: Twitter Pinterest Facebook. Job losses and pay cuts planned as FE feels the pinch - FE news. Comment:Last Updated:4 May, 2012Section:FE news Figure of 750 proposed redundancies likely to double, union warns Lecturers across the country are facing fresh redundancies and pay cuts as reduced funding levels for the next financial year start to bite.

Job losses and pay cuts planned as FE feels the pinch - FE news

TES has learned that, to date, more than 750 redundancies have been proposed at more than 50 colleges. And for those college teachers who appear to have escaped the axe, hundreds more face having their salaries cut by up to £9,000 a year as their employers look to make savings. Barry Lovejoy, head of FE at the University and College Union (UCU), fears that the redundancies announced so far are just the tip of the iceberg. The job cuts follow the government’s decision to slash the national FE budget by a quarter by 2015. Several colleges are proposing dozens of redundancies, with St Helens (73), Sussex Downs (63), Hackney Community College (55) and Preston (54) heading the list.

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