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- StumbleUpon. Skate parks are all well and good in the daytime when skaters can see where they’re going, but what about at night, when the sun goes down and vampires stalk the earth?

- StumbleUpon

Korean artist Koo Jeong-A has come up with a solution—not for the restless undead, but she can help with the night-skating with her glow-in-the-dark skate park which has been built in Vassivière Island, France. Called Otro, this “skateable sculpture” is made from green phosphorescent concrete so it gives off a radioactive glare, which enables skaters to pull some rad tricks without bumping into one another.

- StumbleUpon. The magic button & Make Everything OK. Eight Types of Hecklers and the Comedians Who Shut Them Up. In the 2007 documentary Heckler, Joe Rogan says that “the number one thing about hecklers is 100% of them are douchebags.”

Eight Types of Hecklers and the Comedians Who Shut Them Up

A stand-up comedian’s act depends on the audience reaction by nature, but when someone attempts to derail the performer’s work, well, that’s something a douchebag would do. Still, heckling creates exciting moments of discomfort for the audience, and hecklers have instigated some great moments in comedy (Bryson Turner’s comeback) as well as some terrible moments (Michael Richards incident). Whether the outcome is funny, awkward, or awful, the eternal battle between heckler and stand-up is always fun to watch. Here are eight kinds of hecklers, and fifteen different ways of dealing with them. Art 1. Optical Design.