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E-Commerce. Mobile. How social technologies are extending the organization - McKinsey Quarterly - High Tech - Strategy & Analysis. Companies are improving their mastery of social technologies, using them to enhance operations and exploit new market opportunities—key findings of our fifth annual survey on these tools and technologies, in which we asked more than 4,200 global executives how organizations deploy them and the benefits they confer.

How social technologies are extending the organization - McKinsey Quarterly - High Tech - Strategy & Analysis

When adopted at scale across an emerging type of networked enterprise and integrated into the work processes of employees, social technologies can boost a company’s financial performance and market share, respondents say, confirming last year’s survey results. But this is a very dynamic environment, where the gains from using social technologies sometimes do not persist, perhaps because it takes so much effort to achieve them at scale.

Some companies, respondents indicate, reaped fewer benefits and thus became less networked, while a smaller percentage learned how to deploy these technologies to become even more networked. Usage at scale and continued benefits Looking ahead. KPCB Internet Trends (2011) KPCB Internet Trends 2012.


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