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Google lance Media Ads, un nouveau format vidéo pour les AdWords. Google vient de révéler ce nouveau format via son blog.

Google lance Media Ads, un nouveau format vidéo pour les AdWords

Media Ads va plus loin que l’actuelle possibilité d’extensions vidéo dans les liens sponsorisés de Google. Cette fois, la vidéo est mise au premier plan, au sens propre comme au figuré. Elle s’ouvre en grand format au centre de la page de recherche dans un Lightbox media player pendant que la page, elle, se grise pour un meilleur confort de lecture. Autre nouveauté de Media Ads, son modèle de paiement par les annonceurs. 5 Tips for Better Advertising in Mobile Apps. Tim Wandell is Executive Director of Strategic Accounts at digital solutions agency Universal Mind.

5 Tips for Better Advertising in Mobile Apps

Tim has more than 14 years experience leading design and technology teams in the discovery, definition and delivery of custom interactive experiences and enterprise applications, with companies such as Adobe, Bank of America and Williams Sonoma. Advertising has traditionally been regarded as an interruption of the actual experience that people are trying to have — be it watching a TV show, reading a newspaper or magazine or browsing a website. But we're now seeing the emergence of a new kind of advertising, one that's in itself so entertaining and engaging that it has the potential to become an experience in its own right. Welcome to the era of "appvertising. " Google Mobile Ads Blog.