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Brother of the year award. Typography Inspiration: 20 Creative Examples. The word typography, from the greek word typos, is the art and technique of arranging type.

Typography Inspiration: 20 Creative Examples

And I have to agree that arranging typography is an art. Some designers have the right skill to transform normal type in inspiring and eye candy pieces. We decided to gather a list with inspiring examples of typography from three great sources for that: Ads of the World, deviantART and Flickr. From simple and minimalist examples to colorful and illustrated ones, we have a lot of nice images to keep the juices flowing for your next project. Ads of the World deviantART Flickr About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 257 shares 11 Inspiring Examples of Textures and Patterns in Web Design Here at WDL we like to browse the web to find inspiring websites to show our readers. Read More 427 shares Colorful Logos for Your Inspiration We’ve rounded up some examples of logo designs that make excellent use of color.

15 cool word illusions. If you're a regular visitor (reader) of my blog, you'll probably know that I really like optical illusions.

15 cool word illusions

Here's another article about this phenomenon, now it's all about optical illusions with words. I'll start off with a classic. Check out the following image. Say aloud the ink color of each word. How quickly can you do it? The next one is a really cool wedding card. This one is pretty strange. What do you read here? Somewhat simular to the previous illusion. When looking at the following illusion, you'll probably read the word Life. Another double word illusion. The following illusion looks like a couple of blocks don't doing anything.

This is a double word illusion that fits exactly in this topic. Read the text in the triangle below out lout. Did you read I love Paris in the springtime? In this illusion you'll read the word Teach and the reflection of it. Happy 404 Day! Here Are the Web's Funniest Error Messages [PICS] Is your Wednesday full of fail?

Happy 404 Day! Here Are the Web's Funniest Error Messages [PICS]

If so, it could be because today is April 4 — otherwise known as 4/04, the calendar's answer to the infamous 404 error message. We've all been there, furiously hitting the refresh button and muttering expletives while that page we just need to read refuses to load. Luckily, in failure lies opportunity — in this case, the opportunity for humor. Bless the web developers whose creativity dulls our frustration with a bit of funny.