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After You See This Data, You'll Never Call Groupon A Ponzi Scheme Again. 10 Reasons Why Groupon is Terrible for Merchants – Womply’s Latest Infographic. Womply’s New Infographic Candidly Details the Process of Working with Publishers from a Merchant Standpoint. Womply, the innovative San Francisco-based analytics start-up featuring automatic loyalty rewards, released their latest infograph this week showing some of the potential drawbacks for merchants who work with Groupon and other daily deal publishers. The infograph follows an overwhelming series of merchant feedback Womply has received regarding their experiences in the daily deal space.

The infograph serves as a visually enticing summary of the wide array of merchant-fueled daily deal hiccups cycled through the media on a constant basis. Although it may be partial to Womply, a clear competitor to Groupon and the Daily Deal Industry as a whole, the shocking infograph nonetheless provides interesting statistics and facts from a collection of reputable sources. INFOGRAPH SOURCE: Womply Blog Yes, the infograph is direct. Q&A Toby Scammell, Co-Founder & CEO: Where the data is from? Pourquoi les banques de détail peuvent-elles surpasser des sites comme Groupon ? Comment ? En guidant leurs propres clients vers les magasins de ces commerçants. Les banques de détail doivent développer des capacités dans le secteur promotionnel pour lutter contre la concurrence d’entreprises non bancaires De plus en plus d’institutions non financières veulent s’emparer des relations entre les banques et leurs clients, ou des relations entre les banques et les commerçants.

Google avec son Wallet vise ainsi à capter les budgets marketing et publicitaires des commerçants tandis que PayPal avec son TPE investit le domaine du paiement dans le monde physique. Les banques sont idéalement placées pour plonger dans le monde du marketing promotionnel et faire face à la concurrence. Les banques de détail doivent lancer leur site de deals quotidiens pour renforcer la proposition de valeur faite au client Les banques de détail peuvent construire un modèle économique durable de deals quotidiens en partenariat avec les commerçants.

Sustainability of Groupon's Business Model

Is Groupon Good for a Small Business? Do the Math. I have been reading with great interest (especially here) the stories of retailers sharing their experiences using Groupon. For those of you not familiar with Groupon, the company partners with local businesses to send a daily coupon e-blast to its members. The members who buy the coupon get 50 to 70 percent off on a product or service, and Groupon splits the proceeds with the retailer — usually leaving the retailer with about 20 to 25 cents on the dollar of retail value.

I have never seen anything that is both so celebrated and demonized at the same time. There has been talk that Groupon might be worth as much as $3 billion (it now looks as if Google thinks Groupon might be worth as much as $6 billion), and yet here are some blog comments from retailers who’ve tried the service: “It is for desperate businesses.” “The financials just can’t work out.” “Groupon is the worst marketing ever.” What else would you call something that can deliver 2,000 customers to your store? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Groupon’s CEO on Coupons and Start-Ups - Digits. How Businesses Fare with Daily Deals: A Multi-Site Analysis of Groupon, Livingsocial, Opentable, Travelzoo, and BuyWithMe Promotions by Utpal Dholakia.

Rice University - Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of BusinessJune 13, 2011 Abstract: We examine performance of daily deals run through five major sites in 23 US markets. In a survey-based study of 324 businesses that conducted a daily deal promotion between August 2009 and March 2011, 55.5% of businesses reported making money, 26.6% lost money and 17.9% broke even on their promotions. Although close to 80% of deal users were new customers, significantly fewer users spent beyond the deal’s value or returned to purchase at full price. 48.1% of businesses indicated they would run another daily deal promotion, 19.8% said they would not, and 32.1% said they were uncertain. We also examined drivers of deal profitability, the loyalty of merchants to a daily deal site, and how spending on daily deals has affected spending of businesses on other marketing programs. Number of Pages in PDF File: 31 working papers series Suggested Citation.

Daily deals: They're taking over your town | The Social. There's a scene in the 1989 comedy "Troop Beverly Hills" in which rival bands of Wilderness Girls attempt to best one another in a fundraiser by selling boxes of the same cookies to the households of a single upper-crust neighborhood--and unfortunately for the underdog protagonists, their arch-enemies have beaten them to the punch at just about every house. That's what it may soon look like for the explosion of companies offering ultra-discounted, fire-sale daily deals for local businesses, which have fast become the Web's latest retail craze.

Here's how it works. You'll sign up for an online newsletter that will advertise a different deal every day: a coupon for $10 for a bikram yoga lesson that usually goes for $25, $15 for a $30 tour of historic New York pizzerias (slices not included), or $25 for $50 worth of organic grocery delivery. "I counted it yesterday. For the companies brokering the deals, it's a retail model with relatively low overhead costs. Scoop St.' Deal-a-day offers to reach $3.9b by 2015. Press Release Consumer Spending on Deal-a-Day Offers Likely to Reach $3.9B in U.S. by 2015, According to BIA/Kelsey Analysts will highlight details from new forecast during a Daily Deals SuperForum at Interactive Local Media East, March 21-23 in Boston; LivingSocial CEO Tim O'Shaughnessy to keynote CHANTILLY, Va. (March 3, 2011) - BIA/Kelsey, adviser to companies in the local media industry, released a new forecast today on U.S. consumer spending on deal-a-day offers, which the firm expects will grow from $873 million in 2010 to $3.9 billion in 2015, representing a 35.1 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

“Deal a day has experienced incredible growth during its three-year incubation period beginning in 2008,” said Mark Fratrik, vice president, BIA/Kelsey. BIA/Kelsey President Neal Polachek added, “With the release of this latest forecast, BIA/Kelsey offers its clients and community additional insight and expert coverage of the multidimensional local media space.” About BIA/Kelsey.

Deals Disconnect: Merchants Love the Model but Often Won’t Repeat « Groupgro. Internet : Groupon au bord de la faillite ? ( — Le site de commerce électronique basé sur le concept d'achats groupés, Groupon, connait en apparence un succès grandissant... Avec un chiffre d'affaires multiplié par près de 25 en seulement un an, la société dirigée par Andrew Mason aurait de quoi faire des envieux.

Mais, alors que l'entreprise prépare son introduction en bourse, la compagnie ferait pourtant face à un besoin urgent de financement en raison d'une détérioration de sa situation de trésorerie... Selon la société privée, PrivCo, qui analyse les données financières des principales entreprises américaines, c'est le 'business modèle' du groupe qui est en question alors que la concurrence s'est renforcée depuis quelques mois avec, LivingSocial ou encore DealMap, récemment racheté pour 100 M$ par Google.

Face à cette concurrence accrue, Groupon a dû couper ses prix et a ainsi vu sa recette moyenne par utilisateur chuter.