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Google + : votre vrai nom, sinon rien. Google a suscité la polémique en juillet en suspendant les comptes des utilisateurs n’utilisant pas leur véritable nom sur Google+. C’est en effet une des règles édictées par la firme américaine – ce qui n’était toutefois pas une évidence à l’ouverture des inscriptions… Eric Schmidt, dont la formulation s’avère parfois maladroite, par exemple lorsqu’il affirmait en 2009 que seuls les criminels se souciaient de protéger leurs données personnelles, est revenu sur la politique de Google vis-à-vis de l’utilisation des véritables noms sur Google+.

Google+ est un service d'identité Pas question de faire preuve de souplesse sur ce point. . « Il y a des gens pour qui utiliser leur véritable nom n’est pas approprié, et c’est complément optionnel, et si vous êtes l’un d’entre eux, ne le faites pas. En clair, les mécontents peuvent, librement cette fois, passer leur chemin. Pour Eric Schmidt, Google est, à ce stade du développement, essentiellement un service d’identité. Time Spent on G+ Has Stagnated.

The amount of time U.S. users spend on Google Inc. (GOOG)’s new social network has grown more slowly in recent weeks, according to Experian Hitwise, indicating that the service may struggle to make headway against Facebook Inc. Users on average spent 5 minutes and 47 seconds on Google+ during the week ended Aug. 27, up about 4 percent from the previous week, according to New York-based Experian Hitwise, which tracks Internet statistics. Time spent on the site peaked in the week of July 16, at 5 minutes, 50 seconds, Hitwise said. Google+ is the company’s latest effort to help it compete against Palo Alto, California-based Facebook, the world’s most popular social site. “The people that you’d want to add are in many cases very happy on Facebook and they don’t want to have another social network,” Li said. U.S. visits to Google+ fell 5.5 percent to 1.16 million during the week ended Aug. 27, after rising 2.6 percent the previous week, according to Experian Hitwise.

Limited Access. Google+ : premiers signes de baisse. Jeudi 1 septembre Réseaux sociaux - 1 septembre 2011 :: 09:00 :: Par Google Plus a déjà marqué l’histoire du web. Jamais aucun site n’avait eu autant d’adhésion aussi vite. Les articles se sont succédés tout l’été pour relayer les scores historiques du réseau social de Google. Google Plus a déjà marqué l’histoire du web. Cependant, une première étude publiée la semaine dernière indiquait que 83% des comptes étaient inactifs. Quand on reprend les statistiques publiées cet été, les premiers comptes créés sur Google Plus viennent de geeks, d’ingénieurs, de populations technophiles. Comme je l’indiquais dans mon blog le 7 juillet dernier, je ne crois pas au succès de Google Plus à long terme. Has Google+ Already Peaked? 83 percent of Google+ users are inactive [INFOGRAPHIC] Google + compterait 43 millions d’utilisateurs à son actif… Dont beaucoup de passifs!

A Eulogy for Google Plus. Why Google’s screwup on Google+ brand pages is a big deal. There’s been a lot of sound and fury about the way Google has approached branded (i.e., non-personal) pages on its new Google+ social network. Much of it is a symptom of internecine warfare among the big tech blogs, some of whom waited to launch branded pages and got sandbagged by what they say is the web giant’s flip-flopping.

But there is a serious issue underneath the griping, which is that Google can make or break a company’s presence online by virtue of its control over the web-search market — something Google+ is almost certain to become an integral part of. When Google first launched its new social platform a couple of weeks ago, a number of media brands — including Sesame Street and the tech blog Mashable — rushed to set up pages on the network as a way of staking their claim, in the same way that many have set up what used to be called Facebook “fan” pages. The Google+ land rush Google+ already a major player image via Leon Haland.

Why Google+ has no long term traction and why Circles is not THAT useful  I’ve had a lot of back and forth with friends concerning the prospects of Google+. Put simply, I don’t think it poses much of a threat to Facebook. What Google has on its side is the ability to leverage its search engine and email prowess to really increase the number of Google+ users while at the same time provide some interesting cross-application integration. But as a service with a mission to compete against Facebook, I don’t see how Google+ can succeed. Previous social networks didn’t have much of a lock-in affect aside from a user’s particular subset of friends. Facebook, on the other hand, has user lock in not only based on a user’s friends, but also with content vis a vis uploaded photos and videos. In other words, folks are inextricably attached to Facebook in a way that social network users have never been attached before.

Nobody Has The Free Time For Google+, Says LinkedIn CEO. Why Google+ Won't 'Kill' Twitter. As of now, it’s still unclear as to what exactly Google+ is going to be. For some, like Digg founder Kevin Rose (who replaced his longstanding blog with a redirect to his G+ page), it’s a platform for discussion, an ecosystem uninhibited by mandatory follow backs or character limits. But for Google? G+ is a tool for systematizing information. Its aim, unlike Facebook, isn’t to bring the world together – it’s to assign social relevance to pieces of information from which to determine its ranking in search; hence, the +1s. As with anything new, Google+ is being held against its predecessors to approximate what exactly it is. It’s a device we use all the time in sports: So-and-so is the next Michael Jordan, or this guy’s going to be the next Tiger Woods. Too easy? (LIST: A Brief History of Google’s Social Networking Flops) Naturally, Google+ is being silhouetted against the two biggest social networks out there: Facebook and Twitter.

Both are: I think Neicole M. Google+ : ou sont les femmes ? Selon SocialStatistics, les hommes représenteraient 86.8% du total des membres enregistrés sur Google+, alors que d’après FindPeopleOnPlus, ce pourcentage serait de 73.7%. Si l’on fait une moyenne des deux, on en déduit donc que plus de 3 membres sur 4 du réseau sont masculins. J’ai toujours été convaincu que – sauf quelques cas particuliers – pour qu’un service ou un produit rencontre un véritable succès populaire ou « grand public », il devait d’abord séduire les femmes. Ce n’est peut-être pas une condition suffisante, mais c’est une condition nécessaire. Concernant le web, l’une des meilleures démonstrations est apportée par Facebook, où, selon diverses statistiques, les femmes représentent un peu plus de la moitié des utilisateurs (environ 55%), et sont probablement les membres qui y passent le plus de temps.

Une statistique qui n’étonnera probablement pas les utilisateurs. (source) The Most Followed Person on Google+ Is Mark Zuckerberg. 9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google+ When people ask “can Google+ beat Facebook?” They’re misstating the question. It’s not about one site versus another site. Google+ is bigger than that. The reason Google calls it the “Google+ Project” is that Google+ will become a central part of Google’s whole identity. It will reshape the company. Facebook, of course, has a huge head start, but there are good reasons for people to seriously consider dumping Facebook for Google+. 1. The biggest wedge Google has for driving people toward using Google+ is integration. 2.

Google is right that the “Circles” concept is more in line with the way we make friends in real life. 3. If you're an Android user, you may find that getting content from your phone to your social platform is easier, cleaner more functional with the Google+ mobile app. 4. Google+'s Sparks feature is another important differentiator from Facebook. Related Slideshow: Google+ vs. 5. Facebook is notorious for its poor stewardship of personal data. 6. 7. 8. 9. Google Executives Help Google+ Users. The Google+ project: Hangouts‬‏ Google Plus - an overview.