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Amazon fait varier les prix en fonction du stock restant | Serge Roukine. Je suis en train de me chercher un nouveau sac pour mettre mon ordinateur portable. J’ai trouvé un sac qui me plaisait sur Amazon et j’allais l’acheter. Mais bizarrement je n’ai jamais trouvé le temps de le faire et j’ai gardé la page ouverte dans un de mes navigateurs pendant plusieurs jours (oui, je sais, c’est idiot). C’est ce sac. J’étais étonné car le sac est vendu en trois couleurs : gris, noir et rouge et que chacune avait un prix différent. La version grise était moins chère que les autres (elle était à 27 euros). Or aujourd’hui je m’aperçois que le prix à subitement augmenté.

Il est passé à 37 euros. Les prix et les stocks bougent tout le temps, donc vous n’aurez plus les mêmes valeurs J’ai noté également que le stock était passé de 10 à 3. En résumé, voici les tarifs et les quantités restantes : Noire : 9 ex | 30 eurosGrise : 3 ex | 37 eurosRouge : 3 ex | 40 euros J’ai testé sur un autre navigateurs, différents cookies, les prix sont identiques. Conclusion Ce dont je suis sûr : Amazon Cuts Kindle Price to $80.

Amazon Silk | The official blog of the Amazon Silk team. The Paypers. Insights in payments.

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Amazon's Top Reviewers: Who They Are And What They Do (STUDY) Shopping with friends can sometimes save you from making a poor decision at the checkout counter. "Do these pants make my butt look--" "Yes, yes, they do. " "Thanks. " aims to give online shoppers a similar support system with its horde of so-called "customer reviewers," people who provide free content, suggestions, and feedback to the site for the purpose of informing other shoppers.

Users can read critic's input and vote on whether it was helpful. The site's hub for the top customer reviewers lists the most popular critics in order of "helpful votes" their reviews have accrued. But who are these helpful Amazonians with their friendly, conversational tones and their straightforward takes on consumer goods? Reviewers are broken down into two categories: classic reviewers, who have been writing for Amazon for between 3 and 13 years (the average is 9 years); and new reviewers.

Reviewer Demographics The Plague Of Plagiarism Gaming The System Old vs. the Hidden Empire. Sellers frustrated with Amazon's Q1 2011 changes... what's up, why and what we're doing about it. - Amazon Strategies. Selling on Amazon's third-party marketplace is harder than any other channel due to the deep data requirements, the complexity of the Amazon catalog system and changes. The last two weeks have been rough for sellers and I thought it was an interesting topic for those impacted as well as those not impacted or even those just interested in how Amazon runs this business. Like many e-commerce companies, Amazon queues up changes through the holiday period (Q4) and then releases them when the main holiday is over.

This year has seen an unprecedented number of changes that have some sellers frustrated. Before digging into some examples, I wanted to explain a little bit about how Amazon thinks so that everyone understands that there is a 'method to the madness'. How does Amazon think? Focus on the inputs! Before seller's criticize a partner like Amazon, it's important to 'spend some time in their shoes' and understand how they think and approach things.

January changes cause some seller pain. Pros and Cons of Checkout by Amazon's Inline Checkout. Checkout by Amazon allows your customers to use their Amazon login credentials to make purchases on your site. There are several different ways to integrate this into your store. The best “experience”, in my opinion, is their inline offering. In this method, your customers never leave your website, yet they access their Amazon address book and Amazon payment methods via widgets you install in your checkout process. For the customer, it’s great. Checkout is fast and easy and they don’t have to type in a bunch of extra info. For the merchant, it’s also great. I performed the integration myself and it probably took 50-60 hours, many trips to the technical support department, and a lot of cursing. I won’t get into all of the technical details here. Here are the “pros”: Approximately 7-10% of our orders are now coming in via Checkout by Amazon.

Here are the “cons”: Any purchase the comes in via CBA is covered by Amazon’s A-Z guarantee and your policies have zero bearing on the transaction.