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A Guide to Creating Your Ideal Household Budget. The beginning of summer is the perfect time to take a look at your household budget. That might sound ridiculous if you’re focused on basking in the sun, but considering all the spending your household will likely endure over the next few months, including summer travel, summer camp for kids, barbecuing, back-to-school supplies and the like, it’s a good time to take out the calculator and look at how you're doing.

Really, it's always a good time to budget. But it's never easy. So if you'd like some pointers, here are some areas experts say you should be paying special attention to as you're looking over your budget. Your home. Most experts suggest keeping your housing costs including mortgage or rent as well as homeowners insurance and taxes, to no more than 30 percent of your budget, and many suggest 25 percent. [See: 11 Expenses Destroying Your Budget.] Levenson recommends couples create a spreadsheet and track their utility costs. Transportation costs. Food. Unexpected costs. Bank for free with t-moblie. Renting vs. buying a home | Renting vs. buying a home. Market Mentalities: Bulls Vs. Bears - Video. Educational Financial Videos - Investopedia. A TED Talk by LearnVest: 5 Financial Rules to Live By LearnVest. Last week, LearnVest CEO and Founder Alexa von Tobel visited the New York Stock Exchange to deliver a TEDx speech about personal finance.

She told the story of one (hypothetical) girl–and the five financial principles that will shape her life. Like most of us, “Jessica” never took a single personal finance class in college, or ever, for that matter. In fact, that’s part of what led Alexa to start LearnVest … Below Alexa shares five simple financial rules that can help us all get on track with our money, no matter where you’re starting out right now, or how much you learned (or didn’t) about money growing up. Picture this: It’s spring 2012 and Jessica, a smart 22-year-old, is graduating from college with an English degree. She has $25,000 in student loan debt and $4,000 in credit card debt that she amassed over the past few years. While these numbers may seem high, they’re actually pretty average for an American college graduate today.

The same is true for the rest of us. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Man Vs. Debt — Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love. 52 WEEK MONEY CHALLENGE. How These Five Women Are Saving for Retirement. Hearnrumors comments on so in two months I may be living out of my car. any tips for survival without having an actual house to cook in? TIL that Elon Musk, co-founder of PayPal,Tesla Motors, and founder of SpaceX, attended Stanford college for 2 days before dropping out and starting Zip2, a company which he sold 4 years later for 307 million dollars : todayilearned. Dave Ramsey Homepage. 10 Easy Tips for Saving Money from Bank of America. Saving on Sunblock -- Savings Experiment. Experts debunk SPF myths and show you how to save big on sunblock. Sun protection is a must-have if you're outside a lot or spending a day at the beach, but there are dozens of brands and SPF levels to choose from.

So, how do you choose the right product for the best coverage? Well, when it comes to sunblock, all you need is a product with an SPF of 30. It has been scientifically proven that anything higher provides a negligible difference in protection. In other words, spending more money on 50 SPF or 70 SPF sunblocks is a waste of money. Aside from that, there's really no difference between products. Target's Up and Up Sport Sunscreen in SPF 30 costs $4.54 for a 10.4-ounce bottle, while Coppertone Sport SPF 30 costs $7.44 for an 8-ounce bottle. With beach days and vacations, sunblock goes quickly, so the savings you get from cheaper sunblock can really add up.