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Advice For Eating Well On A Tight Budget, From A Mom Who's Been There : The Salt. Hide captionJuJu Harris is the author of The Arcadia Mobile Market Seasonal Cookbook. A former recipient of government food assistance, she now teaches healthy eating skills to low-income families in Washington, D.C. Courtesy of Molly M. Peterson JuJu Harris is the author of The Arcadia Mobile Market Seasonal Cookbook. JuJu Harris didn't set out to write a cookbook, but then again, she didn't set out to accept public assistance to feed her son, either. "My dream job was, I was going to grow up and be a national park ranger," she says.

While she was supposed to be helping the men — the ones who held the farming jobs and the money — she found herself drawn to the women and children. "I learned the importance of nutrition for women and how it impacts her family," Harris says. Years later, back in the states, Harris found herself in a similar situation — with small children, postpartum depression and little money. "You can bring the food to people's doorstep and make it affordable. The Best Vegetables for Lazy Cooks Who Want to Eat Healthy. Foods to Fight Aging. Food-Life Balance | Eat. Live. Enjoy. Reduce Depression and Enhance Happiness with the Seven-a-Day Diet by Carole Carson/Diet and Fitness Blogger: at DailyStrength Doctors and Advisors. Can peas replace Prozac pills and apples replace Abilify tablets? Hippocrates, who believed in the healing power of nature, may have been on to something when he advised us nearly 25 centuries ago to make food our medicine and medicine our food. In the intervening centuries, though, we seem to have ignored the first half of Hippocrates's counsel—- to make food our medicine—- and misinterpreted his advice to make medicine our food.

How else can we explain the record number of Americans who are taking prescription drugs to treat depression? Eleven percent of Americans—over 34 million people, from adolescents to seniors—take an antidepressant drug on a regular basis, an astounding 400 percent increase since 1988. Drug manufacturers—responsive to the rising demand for depression treatments—have created an extensive cafeteria of drugs. The price for relief from depression through consumption of prescription drugs is high. Adding more fruits and vegetables certainly won't harm our bodies. Microgreens: How to Grow Nature's Own Superfood: Fionna Hill: 9781554077694: High-fiber foods.