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Data on refugee situation in Germany

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Hessische Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung in Gießen (HEAE) | Flüchtlinge in Hessen. Die HEAE ist nach dem Asylverfahrensgesetz (AsylVfg) zuständig für die Erstaufnahme von Asylsuchenden, die in Hessen einen Asylantrag stellen wollen, sowie für die damit erforderliche Unterbringung, Betreuung und Versorgung (z. B. Krankenhilfe) bis zur Weiterleitung in die zuständigen Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen in anderen Bundesländern nach der bundesweiten Verteilung oder, wenn sie Hessen zugewiesen werden, bis zur Zuweisung in die hessischen Gebietskörperschaften.

Für auf dem Luftweg einreisende Asylsuchende ist die Außenstelle der HEAE am Flughafen in Frankfurt am Main zuständig. Auf dem Gelände der HEAE in Gießen ist neben der Verwaltung u.a. zur Registrierung der Flüchtlinge und der Sozialarbeit auch eine Kinderbetreuung eingerichtet. Wie gelangen die Asylbewerber in die HEAE? Die Asylbewerber gelangen auf vielfältigen Wegen die HEAE. Was passiert in der HEAE? Ebenso werden die Asylsuchenden von der HEAE selbst registriert und darüber hinaus medizinisch untersucht. Pregnancy and legal protection for working mothers. Advice is on offer that targets expectant mothers and future parents. If you are expecting a child, pregnancy advisory services can help you with issues surrounding pregnancy and birth, and can support you before and during pregnancy with medical, social and legal advice.

They can give information about the following topics: questions connected to pregnancyfinancial and social support services during and after pregnancyemployment law (e.g. Maternity Protection Act, parental leave, etc.)termination of pregnancychildcare options Welfare and family associations, churches, social services offices, health authorities and doctors offer pregnancy advice and counselling in the event of unwanted pregnancy. display as attention: Important information Most counselling services are free of charge and can also be used anonymously.

Care during and after pregnancy You are entitled to care from a midwife or a doctor during the pregnancy and after the birth. Maternity protection for working expectant mothers. Migration, Asylum and Refugees in Germany: Understanding the Data | International Organization for Migration. Germany - Last year, Germany was the main European Union (EU) country of destination for migrants and refugees. A new briefing from IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre in Berlin presents the main data on arrivals of migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers during 2015. During 2015, one million registered their intention to seek asylum in Germany. The data shows that since April 2015, the majority of first-time asylum applicants were from Syria. But relatively little is known about the profile of the people who registered an intention to apply for asylum in Germany. This is because Germany´s EASY data collection system only collects data on the country of origin of the applicant and the receiving German “Land” or federal state, and not the socio-economic profile of the person.

In Germany, a quota system is used to distribute refugees and asylum-seekers among German states. The map below shows the distribution of asylum seekers in Germany, according to the quota system. Regional Refugee & Migrant Response Plan for Europe - (January –December 2016) – 19 January 2016. Germany Data Briefing 1Jan2016. Registration of the asylum application - Germany | Asylum Information Database. The law states that asylum seekers shall apply for asylum at the border. However, entry to the territory has to be refused if a migrant reports at the border without the necessary documents for legal entry and if an immediate removal to the neighbouring country (as safe third country) is possible. However, due to a change of practice which took effect at the end of June 2013, the border police has to refer asylum applications to the Federal Office if they arrest asylum seekers who have already crossed the border.

Until June 2013 a directive from the Federal Ministry of the Interior had stipulated that neither the border police nor any other authority had to register asylum applications in such “cases of apprehension” (Aufgriffsfälle). This directive was revoked in 2013 in the light of the Dublin III Regulation and of changes in German legislation. Accordingly, asylum seekers by now should not be sent back to neighbouring countries without their applications having been registered.

Nachrichten - 2015: Mehr Asylanträge in Deutschland als jemals zuvor. Im Jahr 2015 wurden beim BAMF insgesamt 476.649 formelle Asylanträge gestellt, 273.815 mehr als im Vorjahr. Dies bedeutet eine Steigerung gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 135 Prozent. Allein 162.510 Asylbewerber kamen aus Syrien; das waren 34 Prozent aller Asylanträge.

Im Regelfall sind diese Menschen in Deutschland nach Abschluss des Asylverfahrens auch schutzberechtigt. Unter den zehn Hauptherkunftsländern finden sich zudem vier aus der Balkanregion: Serbien, Kosovo, Mazedonien und Albanien. Zuzüglich der Asylbewerber aus Bosnien-Herzegowina und Montenegro kamen im Jahresdurchschnitt etwa 30 Prozent aller Asylbewerber aus den sechs Staaten des Westbalkans. Allerdings verringerte sich deren Anteil in der zweiten Jahreshälfte kontinuierlich und lag im Monat Dezember 2015 nur noch bei 8 Prozent von allen Asylbewerbern. Insgesamt 137.136 Personen erhielten im Jahr 2015 die Rechtsstellung eines Flüchtlings nach der Genfer Konvention (48,5 Prozent aller Asylbewerber).

Versorgung I. II. III. Startseite. Migration, Asylum and Refugees in Germany: Understanding the Data | International Organization for Migration. UNICEF Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe: Regional Humanitarian Situation Report # 11, 4 May 2016 - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Highlights Since the beginning of 2016, almost 184,500 people have crossed the Mediterranean to seek safety and protection in Europe. Of them, 154,914 arrived on Greek shores. 184,415 # of arrivals in Europe by sea in 2016 (UNHCR, 2 May 2016) 154,914 # of arrivals by sea through Greece in 2016 (UNHCR, 1 May 2016) Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs Between 1 January and 28 April 2016, 184,415 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe by sea in Europe, 85 per cent of them on Greek shores.

Although the proportion of children arriving in Greece has slightly decreased in April 2016, they continued counting for more than one in three among new arrivals in Greece, and around 40 per cent of those remaining stranded along the Western Balkans. An estimated 20 per cent of children, who arrived on Greek islands during the past month, were babies and small children below four years of age, while another 10 per cent were unaccompanied. Around 22,000 children remain stranded in Greece. Conditions in reception facilities - Germany | Asylum Information Database. Conditions in initial reception centres There is no common standard for initial reception centres, but Federal States have laid down standards to varying degrees in regional legislation through the various State Reception Acts (Landesaufnahmegesetz) and in regulations and directives.

Where no standards for the accommodation of asylum seekers exist, the Federal States often take recourse to other regulations, such as general “sanitation plans” as they exist for other forms of communal accommodation (e.g. residential homes or homeless shelters). Initial reception centres have at least several hundred places. Many of these centres use former army barracks which have been refurbished. Locations vary significantly: While some of the initial reception centres are situated in or close to big cities (e.g.

Berlin, Munich, Brunswick/Braunschweig. Bath and toilet facilities usually consist of shower rooms and toilets which people have to share. Some prominent issues relate to the following issues: