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Sign In. Mastery Maths in KS2 | Ramblings of a Teacher. Around this time last year I started reading about the work of the Ark group and Mathematics Mastery. So it was that as I moved to KS2 in September, I set about leading my year team – and an adjoining one – on a mastery maths journey. We’ve not reached the end-point yet, but it seems to be a hot topic at the moment, and following on from Bruno Reddy’s great blog about how he’d tackled mastery maths at Secondary, I thought it would be worth sharing what we’d done in KS2.

My initial thinking was led by what I’d read about the Ark scheme, and then built on by what I read in Dan Willingham’s excellent “Why don’t students like school?” About how children learn. As the new curriculum was on the horizon, it was a useful starting point, and seemed to fit rather well with the mastery approach anyway. Year 5 Mastery Overview draft It meant that the first half term of the academic year was spent almost exclusively on place value and addition/subtraction. Like this: Like Loading...