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Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth. ImmerCity, portail hypermedia de cartographie urbaine dynamique. Portail hypermedia de cartographie dynamique urbaine L’indexation géographique des informations à caractère multimédia est un complément d'information qui correspond à une attente et à un besoin des utilisateurs. Le succès remporté auprès des internautes par l’ajout d’images photographiques au sein de sites d’annuaires cartographiques tels que celui de France Télécom démontre l’intérêt de cette valeur ajoutée pour une meilleure visualisation des lieux. Le projet nous a conduit à signer en juillet 2004 un partenariat avec le service Géomatique de Nantes Métropole et les laboratoires de recherche informatique nantais IRCCyN et LINA. Le but final est la diffusion d'images animées géoréférencées de sites urbains aux formats vidéo et panorama 360°, intégrées dans une base de données hypermédia et visualisables sur l'Internet en flot continu via une cartographie dynamique au format vectoriel SVG réalisée à base d'un S.I.G.

(Système d'Information Géographique) cadastral officiel. Project Tripod "Enkin" introduces a new handheld navigation concept. It displays location-based content in a unique way that bridges the gap between reality and classic map-like representations. It combines GPS, orientation sensors, 3D graphics, TagMyJpgs (ExifGeotagging) This is the provisional documentation of my EXIF Editor/GeoTagging software. This site is being updated, as the software is being modified. It will (hopefully) always reflect the latest version of this software. This software is written in C#, using Microsoft's latest free Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition IDE. The auto-installer and automatic update were also written using this tool - no warranty from my side for the correct functioning of it.

Update Log Version Version Version Version Version Version Version Context This software is an editor for a subset of EXIF data in JPG images. EXIF tags are metadata, which are embedded within a JPG image. General Operation Start the Program After sucessful installation of TagMyJpgs, there will be in the Windows Start Menu an entry "Reinhold Behringer". This is the main window of the program. Help Access Currently there is no help system implemented. Load a JPG image... Inspect Other Tags Geotagging. Future Image Store - User-generated Visual Content: Understanding The Supply-Side. 90 pages, 30 tables & charts View table of contents and sample page (Adobe PDF) Today many Web-based businesses depend on content created by their audience — and yet they do not know what motivates the people who provide the crucial photos and videos, and how they are different from the more common viewers.

“User-generated Visual Content: – Understanding The Supply-Side Motivations” surveys hundreds of popular content creators and analyzes their reasons, compared and contrasted against a control group of average Web users. The findings show what motivates the primary producers of user-generated content on popular websites, and how these people differ from the majority of Web viewers. Future Image surveys almost 2,000 members of one of the top photo- and video-sharing websites. The full report questions content creators on: their levels of sharing activity their motivations and subject choices the need for attention and community the desire for making sales. Read analyst Paul Worthington's bio.

The Home of GeoTagging. PhotoField - Spatial Photo Album / IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image. People Abstract Estimating geographic information from an image is an excellent, difficult high-level computer vision problem whose time has come. The emergence of vast amounts of geographically-calibrated image data is a great reason for computer vision to start looking globally — on the scale of the entire planet! In this paper, we propose a simple algorithm for estimating a distribution over geographic locations from a single image using a purely data-driven scene matching approach. Paper im2gps.pdf, 11MB Citation James Hays, Alexei A. Presentation Google Tech Talk. Test sets im2gps test set, 237 images, 39MB. 2k random test set, 2000 images, 308MB.geographically uniform test set, 955 images, 140M.human geolocation test set, 64 images, 11M.

All Geolocation Results Gallery of geolocation results for the entire test set. Download Scripts Code for downloading Flickr images. Comparison to Human Geolocation Performance Acknowledgements. Locr - locate your photos. GeoTag Yourself. California Coastal Records Project -- Aerial Photographs of the California Coastline.