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Jokes for Humor and Laughter and Giggles all Around

08 november 2017

Jokes for Humor and Laughter and Giggles all Around

What do you get when cross a kangaroo with a rabbit?  I don't know, but it has to be safer than crossing a kangaroo with a gorilla.

Whats the difference between a lollipop and a Popsicle?  You lick them both, but sometimes the Popsicle wines and licks you stuck.

Whats similar between a coon and coonie?  Just the first 4 letters.

Whats the difference between a laptop and a notebook?  Who cares they look the same to me.

Whats do you get when you dig for oil?  Not a thing, except maybe some water.  You need to use an oil rig to dig for oil !  And then you only strike oil if you lucky or good.

Why is the sky blue?  Because someone decided to paint it that color.

Is a turtle ever faster then a rabbit ?  Yes, if you have a dead rabbit.  By the way the turtle also wins on bugs bunny, but they tricked bugs bunny and its more than one rabbit.

When did the turtle cross the street? I don't know, I was too tired waiting.

What is black and orange?  A bruised up pumpkin after Jason got through it.

Is a Joker the best card on the deck?  No, it is all relative to what you are playing.