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My audience. Citations. Student Edition - Document - Colds and flu: viral villains. Full Text: Colds and Flu Viral Villains Twirling his moustache and snickering "Heh, heh, heh!

Student Edition - Document - Colds and flu: viral villains

" the villain in a melodrama plots his dirty deeds. Yet no matter how dire things look for the heroine, the audience knows the hero will find a way to come to the rescue and foil the villain's plans. Villains in real life, however, are a lot harder to foil. The common cold and influenza, usually called "flu," are both respiratory infections, but the flu is not just a very bad cold. The hapless heroine of the melodrama has only one villain to avoid.

Scientists have divided these viruses into eight groups. The influenza virus makes up another group. Evading these real life health villains is also hard because they can spread quickly and easily. You can pick up the virus directly when you touch a cold-sufferer. In spite of the identical names, colds are not caused by cold temperatures.

For the flu virus, there is a much better chance of escape. Is it a cold or is it flu? Student Edition - Document - 6 ways to suck it up when cough, cold, or flu strike. Full Text: Dr.

Student Edition - Document - 6 ways to suck it up when cough, cold, or flu strike

Lee Schofield, Family Physician Abby Langer, Registered Dietitian Despite the many ways to prevent getting sick, millions of Canadians will still fall ill over the coming months. What then? There is no substitute for simply resting your body while fighting a cold or the flu. Drink water, have some soup, and eat juicy fruits such as melons, grapes, and mangoes that contain lots of water and vitamin C. 3 Ease muscle aches and pain Muscle aches and pain are typically associated with the flu. 4 Liquid gold for your body A teaspoon of honey three times a day can suppress a cough and soothe a sore throat. 5 Saltwater can be good for you Dr.

To alleviate a cough or sore throat you want to use a menthol based lozenge, but Langer says not all lozenges are the same. Student Edition - Document - How to outsmart cold + flu season. Full Text: Use our guide to fortify your defenses so you'll (hopefully!)

Student Edition - Document - How to outsmart cold + flu season

Stay well all winter. And if a nasty virus does break through, well get you on the fast track to "all better" Your coworker sprays you with her sneeze as she shuffles by your desk. Your kids come home from school looking flushed and glassy-eyed. The average American adult is saddled with two to three colds per year, according to the CDC (kids can get up to 10), and between 5% and 20% of us get the flu--with tens of thousands of people ending up in the hospital.

Happily, you can make this the year you're not stuck at home, red-eyed and wrapped in your duvet. YOU CAN'T GET THE SAME COLD TWICE. Student Edition - Document - Prevent treat & recover: a flu guide: here's a before, during, and after guide to getting through any winter flu using natural medicines. Full Text: Were in the middle of another flu season, and the bugs are more vicious than ever.

Student Edition - Document - Prevent treat & recover: a flu guide: here's a before, during, and after guide to getting through any winter flu using natural medicines

You can do your best to prevent infection before it happens, but if you wind up sneezing and sweating anyway, it's important to know how to treat during your illness-and heal afterward. Reduce Your Chances of Getting a Bug Even the flu vaccine isn't foolproof. A recent study found the most common flu shot was effective in only 59 percent of people. Flu Fighter. Student Edition - Document - How the Flu Vaccine Gets to You. Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week.

Student Edition - Document - How the Flu Vaccine Gets to You

(Feb. 18, 2017) (Feb. 18, 2017) p7134. Word Count: 1597. Reading Level (Lexile): 1450.2017 FEB 18 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week -- According to news reporting originating from Alexandria, Virginia, by NewsRx journalists, a patent by the inventors... Targeted News Service. (Feb. 14, 2017) Word Count: 522. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Pittsburgh, PA).