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Learning Analytics

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UNESCO Policy Brief on Learning Analytics. Journal of Learning Analytics. Current Issue Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Special section: Self-regulated learning and learning analytics Journal of Learning Analytics is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research in the field.

Journal of Learning Analytics

The journal is the official publication of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). Learning Analytics. Leadership and Learning Analytics. Will Analytics transform Education? Effective use of data is vital for success in today’s business world.

Will Analytics transform Education?

In education, Analytics (or Learning Analytics) is becoming a hot topic, promising to disrupt and transform education and learning. In this overview article we do a short detour to the business world for some examples of business analytics; look at how education have approached the phenomenon; explore some practices; and raise some concerns about the downside of this trend. The most spectacular example of business use of consumer data is the US chain store Target’s analysis of changes in a customer’s life, e.g. finding out whether or not a customer is pregnant[1], with the aim to send them coupons for certain products they will need.

Policy_Strategy_Analytics.pdf. Ellis - Assessment Analytics. Learning Analytics. Clow - Overview of Learning Analytics. Strata 2012: Steve Schoettler, "Learning Analytics"