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Using the Android Debug Bridge (adb) Using the Android Debug Bridge (adb) - Tutorial Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Lars Vogel Using the adb tools with Android This tutorial describes how to use the adb tool to access your Android device or Android virtual device (AVD). 1. You can access your Android device via the adb command on the command line. . The adb tools is located in the [android-sdks]/platform-tools directory. The adb allows you to send commands to your Android device, pull and push files to it, gives shell access to the Android device and allows you to read information from your device, for example the current memory usage. If you have several devices running you can issue commands to one individual device. adb devices List of devices attached emulator-5554 attached emulator-5555 attached adb -s emulator-5554 shell You can get shell access to your Android device via the following command. adb shell 3. You can copy a file from and to your device via the following commands. 4.

Adb uninstall <packagename> 5. 8. What is ADB, and how do I use it? | Mobile. Look at any tutorial for rooting an Android device, and one set of initials is sure to come up: ADB. Veterans to Google’s mobile platform will let it roll off their tongues as if it’s everyday language, but those new to Android hacking can get a little tripped up. What the $%#@ is ADB? Let’s take a look. Android Debug Bridge This is the literal meaning of ADB. If command line syntax confuses or intimidates you, have no fear.

For example, in our guide to rooting the Kindle Fire, we present the following ADB commands: adb push BurritoRoot2.bin /data/local/ adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin adb shell /data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin adb root adb shell id adb remount adb push su /system/xbin/su adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su adb remount adb install Superuser.apk Not only do you not need to know what they do, but you don’t even need to type them. Installing ADB To get started, pick up the version of Android SDK for your platform: Drivers. How to Develop Simple Bluetooth Android Application To Control A Robot Remote.

The wireless-networking standard technology called Bluetooth has quietly become a common way to replace the wires on short distances. With a gadget such as a smartphone or a tablet featured with a Bluetooth module, a wireless connection is the easiest way to send and receive information. And because this technology spread in the prototyping culture, it’s often used to control things wirelessly.

In this article, we explore a series of materials and resources so you can learn how to develop an Android application and control a robot wirelessly over the Bluetooth technology at the flick of a wrist. With an open architecture and a large community, Android allows anyone to build applications with simple tools and resources. An Android device has Java support, built-in Bluetooth module and a large variety of sensors.

Android Bluetooth Applications (image source) The Bluetooth Technology The wireless communication is between two systems. An example of robot controlled over Bluetooth modem: Tutorial: Intro to Developing Bluetooth Smart Applications for Android. Hi, my name is Dave Smith. I'm a Senior Android Developer with Double Encore, an embedded Android enthusiast, and I teach Android classes for NewCircle. Today I'd like to talk about the Bluetooth Low Energy (or LE) APIs now available in the Android framework, and show you how easy it is to add some really interesting capabilities to mobile applications using this technology. Bluetooth LE was introduced to the core Android framework in 4.3, or API Level 18.

Prior to this, there were several OEM-specific SDKs providing this behavior, but we will not be going into detail on those here. Bluetooth GATT Basics Bluetooth Low Energy, or Bluetooth Smart, is a part of the Bluetooth v4.0 specification aimed at providing a fast and low-power method of communicating with wireless sensors and peripherals. There are four primary roles that a device can fulfill in the Bluetooth LE paradigm: BroadcasterObserverCentralPeripheral Characteristics are minimally made up of property flags and a value. Resources. Bigamil/RetroRat. Android Masterclass: Building a simple Android app. Albert Einstein: The Alpha geek and the inspiration for the application we’ll construct this chapter (inset). In the previous master class we focused on installing the development environment and built a rather simple Hello World application.

In this class we will focus on the Android conventions and construct a slightly more interesting application – one with images and buttons. The creators of Android have focused on developing forward-looking frameworks with a focus on ensuring developer productivity. They achieve this using a tested trick in software engineering – ‘conventions‘. When developers create applications they have to make a number of decisions including rather mundane ones like ‘where do I store my images?’ Android development framework favors a set of conventions and will wire up the application if we followed these.

Keeping the tools in shape Android SDK and the Eclipse IDE tend to release updates to add enhancement and fix defects. Figure 2: Android Project Structure.