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AynRand. Create. Wanna be wanna see. Brainiac. Unique Travel Destinations. 5 Routines To Clear Mental Clutter. That smartphone in your pocket?

5 Routines To Clear Mental Clutter

It’s nearly doubling the amount of time you spend working. A 2013 survey by the Center for Creative Leadership found that the typical smartphone-carrying professional interacts with work an average of 72 hours a week. WAKE UP! Synchronicity. Synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related.


Synchronicity holds that such events are "meaningful coincidences". The concept of synchronicity was first defined by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, in the 1920s.[1] During his career, Jung furnished several slightly different definitions of it.[2] Jung variously defined synchronicity as an "acausal connecting (togetherness) principle," "meaningful coincidence," and "acausal parallelism. " He introduced the concept as early as the 1920s but gave a full statement of it only in 1951 in an Eranos lecture.[3]

Unique Travel Destinations. Health-love. Turning the Wheel. Be Happier. ?! Saudade. Saudade (European Portuguese: [sɐwˈðaðɨ], Brazilian Portuguese: [sawˈdadi] or [sawˈdadʒi], Galician: [sawˈðaðe]; plural saudades)[1] is a Portuguese and Galician word that has no direct translation in English.


It describes a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing may never return.[2] A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing. Saudade was once described as "the love that remains" after someone is gone. Saudade is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. In Brazil, the day of Saudade is officially celebrated on 30 January.[3][4] History[edit] Origins[edit] Definition[edit] Elements[edit] Music[edit]

Useful (self-improvement) Websites. STRANGE & BIZARRE 2.

A Bun in the Oven

Cannabis Review. MUST SEE - Documentaries and free share sites. Matryomin ensemble set the world record for the "Largest theremin ensemble". Coincidence is an Illusion - What is Synchronicity? All Coincidences Have Meaning Nothing Happens by Chance Have you ever experienced a coincidence so incredible that it left you stunned?

Coincidence is an Illusion - What is Synchronicity?

If so, then you have just taken a step into the amazing world of Synchronicity. What happens in most people’s lives is beyond their control. Synchronicity Synchronicity : A look into some synch stories from around the world. Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence – An Interview with Dr. Kirby Surprise. The experience of meaningful coincidences is universal.

Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence – An Interview with Dr. Kirby Surprise

They are reported by people of every culture, every belief system, and time period. Traditionally these synchronistic events are made acceptable by ascribing them to outside supernatural forces such as divinities, or in modern times, impersonal archetypal influences. Dr. Kirby Surprise demonstrates that synchronistic events, based on the activity of the mind, are actually caused by the person who perceives them, and reflect many levels of their consciousness. COINCIDENCES, CONNECTIONS, AND SYNCHRONICITIES. Children of Hags: photographer captures heterochromians with different-coloured eyes – Llamas' Valley. By Llamas' Valley | “Heterochromia – Children of Hags” is a conceptual photography project by Amsterdam based Lithuanian photographer and Llamas’ Valley contributor Maria Cavali.

Children of Hags: photographer captures heterochromians with different-coloured eyes – Llamas' Valley

The photographer keeps looking for people who have differently coloured eyes and photographs them. The project started as a conceptual idea of an identity project. 7 Beautiful Mutations: Which Ones Do You Have? If I wasn’t a writer, I think I’d like to be a genetic researcher.

7 Beautiful Mutations: Which Ones Do You Have?

I know, they seem like totally unrelated fields, but hear me out. The thing that interests me most in the entire world is why people (or characters) are who they are, and what makes them tick. And one of the things at the very bottom of what makes people tick is in their genes, and I think that’s why I find genetics so interesting. Pagan/Wiccan Religion: Eyes, different colored eyes, coloured eyes.

Expert: Labyrinth - 8/26/2009 QuestionI had read a question you had answered about different coloured eyes.

Pagan/Wiccan Religion: Eyes, different colored eyes, coloured eyes

I have been experiencing some odd things and I was trying to figure out if my eye colour might have some kind of predisposition towards whats happening. Gratitude.

Brain Plasticity; Ways to change you

Writing. Misc. Delicately Cut Handwritten Letters. California-based artist Annie Vought is passionate about the written word and the impact that handwriting has within a historical context.

Delicately Cut Handwritten Letters

Vought says, “A letter is physical confirmation of who we were at the moment it was written, or all we have left of a person or a time.” As we shift into modern day communication styles like emails, text messages, instant messages, and Twitter, the intimacy, personality, and visual beauty of penmanship slowly withers away. As an artist, Vought works to preserve the tangible, handwritten letter. This collection of sculptures includes recreations of notes and letters that Vought has found, written, or received.

10 Questions: On Finding Your ‘Soul-Life’ in a 130-Year-Old Book. Brooke Williams and Terry Tempest Williams are two of our generation’s greatest gifts.

10 Questions: On Finding Your ‘Soul-Life’ in a 130-Year-Old Book

Brooke is the author of four books, and he offers deep meditations on wilderness and wild lands, as well as working actively in defense of the pristine, most recently with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Terry is legendary for her intensely personal explorations of nature and life and the human resonance between the two, and she’s the author of the critically acclaimed Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place and numerous other books. The Ego and the Universe: Alan Watts on Becoming Who You Really Are. By Maria Popova The cause of and cure for the illusion of separateness that keeps us from embracing the richness of life. During the 1950s and 1960s, British philosopher and writer Alan Watts began popularizing Eastern philosophy in the West, offering a wholly different perspective on inner wholeness in the age of anxiety and what it really means to live a life of purpose.

We owe much of today’s mainstream adoption of practices like yoga and meditation to Watts’s influence. Alan Watts, early 1970s (Image courtesy of Everett Collection) Ted Hughes on the Universal Inner Child, in a Moving Letter to His Son. Colour my world. Colour does not exist. Not out in the world at any rate. All that exists in the world is a smooth continuum of light of different wavelengths. Colour is a construction of our brains. A lot is known about how the brain does this, beginning with complicated circuits in the retina itself. Foreign Places We want to Go. Culture Blogs and Websites II. And MORE #7. To sort. Esoteric Endeavors. Pineal Gland. Food For Thought. The Walk. Coincidences. Psychonautica. 10 Book Series So Addictive, You Never Want Them to End. Need a smile? 7 Ways To Discover Your Life Purpose.

Written by my friend Amateo Ra| Living a life of purpose is a key essential ingredient for happiness. 6 Mind Expanding Movies That Will Make You Question Reality And Life. Some movies are made to touch our heart and soul with an overabundance of sentiment. 7 cultural concepts we don't have in the U.S. From the end of October through the New Year and onto Valentine's Day, it's easy to forget that the holidays we celebrate are simply cultural constructs that we can choose to engage in — or not.

The concepts and ideas we celebrate — like our spiritual beliefs and daily habits — are a choice, though sometimes it feels like we "have" to celebrate them, even if we don't feel like it. Friends Resemble Each Other Genetically. An analysis of nearly 1.5 million gene markers found that friends who aren’t biologically related resemble each other genetically -- about as much as "kissing cousins. " “Looking across the whole genome,” James Fowler from University of California, San Diego, says in a news release, “we find that, on average, we are genetically similar to our friends.

Quantum Physics Tells Us Separation Is Only An Illusion. Quotes & Poems. So how fucked are we. One Path, Many Mountains - Many Paths, One Mountain. Why We're More Creative When We're Tired and 9 Other Surprising Facts About How Our Brains Work. 12.6K Flares 12.6K Flares × Lucid dream. Thought provoking. Contemporary aliens. Alien Structures. Wait but why. Introversion. Stories. Makes Me Think - MMT - Today's Thought-Provoking Life Stories. The Onion - America's Finest News Source.


Roaming and Thinking. Chemistry. 10 Most Beautiful Villages in Europe. From the Alps to the Mediterranean, these frozen-in-time European villages will make you appreciate the beauty of taking it slow. Reaching some of these European beauties requires extra effort, yet the rewards are dazzling. Your eyes will thank you. The 25 most colorful world cities. Architecture schools, Architecture school, Architecture online schools most colorful world cities. The 30 Most Picturesque Winter Towns From Around The World. 33 Amazing And Beautiful Places Around The World.