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John P Manjaly

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Top 14 Illustration Trends in Website Design To Watch Out in 2019. 7 Best Ecommerce Platform For Online Business. Digital and online businesses have been evolving a lot.

7 Best Ecommerce Platform For Online Business

In the year 2018, things are changing – a new saga is set to change the existing realm of e-commerce. Before you find out more about how the new-age e-commerce differs from the previous ones, it is important to find out which of the best e-commerce platforms have evolved more than the others in this short span of time. In fact, it is not just the evolvement that has taken place in the mobile or social space that has significance, but it is also the other features that have changed more than ever. So, some of the factors that are changing include artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, digital wallets, mobile, customization, etc.

These aspects have a great role to play in the nature of e-commerce going forward. How Long Does It Take To Become A Web Developer. Difference Between Gitlab vs Github vs Bitbucket. Top 5 Steps to Convert PSD to Wordpress Themes. Well, you might be quite aware of the fact that numerous thousands of websites are being developed daily across the web.

Top 5 Steps to Convert PSD to Wordpress Themes

And within these numerous websites, a handful of the websites are powered by WordPress. This means that businesses would have to put up with a fierce competition from their peers no matter the effort, time or money they invest in setting up their website; its marketing or promoting it to the next level. Top 9 Bug Tracking Tools and Softwares. The job of a tester is majorly detecting, recording, tracking, managing and reporting bugs.

Top 9 Bug Tracking Tools and Softwares

Moreover, you can lovingly refer to a tester as a bug finder. We can easily track or record all the bugs or issues that we track within an excel sheet, and examine it when in doubt. But, as the project expands, the number of processes involved and the team involved grows – which ultimately means that apart from the manual testing we had been employing through the initial phases need to be changed as we need to ensure that everything is being managed efficiently. This will help us to easily and consistently find more issues than the ones that were already detected earlier in the previous phases. And till date, we have come across a variety of bug tracking software systems and even defect management tools.

First of all, it is important to understand why a bug tracking tool is needed. When it comes to any web or software project, the bug tracker is a much-needed tool. Plutora Test. The Best & Free Mockup Tools. The Best & Free Mockup Tools. Card Sorting And Affinity Diagram - Beginner's Guide With Best Tips. Card Sorting.

Card Sorting And Affinity Diagram - Beginner's Guide With Best Tips

How to Create Child Themes in WordPress - Best Tips. From a technical front, a child theme is similar to its parent theme when viewed from the back end.

How to Create Child Themes in WordPress - Best Tips

You can activate ‘Themes’ under ‘Appearance’ – same as you would have done for any other theme. Unlike parent themes that are totally independent, child themes are dependent on their parent themes. You will need the parent theme to be present in order to activate the child theme. A child theme, as you might have understood from our discussions so far, is not a standalone entity as it depends on a parent entity and modifies files that belong to an existing theme. Ok, now let us go back to how do you install a child theme in WordPress. Microsites Vs Landing Pages - Best Pros and Cons. Difference Between PHP & HTML & Java. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is one of those server-side scripting languages that is being used by web programmers for developing websites and web apps.

Difference Between PHP & HTML & Java

This was introduced in the year 1994 by Rasmus Laird. And till the year 2013, it was noted that PHP was installed across more than 240 million websites and 2.1 million internet servers. The file extensions in PHP include PHTML, .PHP and .php5. Today, PHP is one of the most commonly used programming languages for building websites. Best 9 Homepage Design Ideas for a Website to be Well. Websites are the key to a customer’s heart.

Best 9 Homepage Design Ideas for a Website to be Well

Very recently, it has become an imperative part of businesses. And it has been giving customers with a lot of options when it comes to choosing a product or item. Best Free E-Commerce Platforms. A number of businesses are starting to find a new life online these days.

Best Free E-Commerce Platforms

Top 20 Industries Which Blockchain Will Disrupt Badly. 10 Awesome Instagram Tools For Marketing In 2018. A number of social media platforms have taken us by the storm.

10 Awesome Instagram Tools For Marketing In 2018

In the year 2018, Instagram is giving us some serious business-customer goals. Top 20 Free Icon Fonts for Web Designers. Previously, icons and symbols on the web were presented as images; though they were compatible across browsers, they mandated designing, optimizing and cropping before the user could load and implement them.

Top 20 Free Icon Fonts for Web Designers

This meant that whenever the website branding changed, those tiny images had to be recreated all over again. Web Icon fonts on the other hand, offer a new way of utilizing iconography with the same compatibility but much better flexibility. Fonts are basically a set of symbols, and include the benefits offered by CSS font properties. Icon fonts are eye-catching, and help you create visually appealing websites with their many and varied features. Open source web fonts allow designers to bring bold new innovation in their typography as well as page design. Top 20 Free Icon Fonts for Web Designers. The Top Challenges in Web Application Development. Web applications typically leverage web technology and use web browsers to perform tasks online. Instant messaging services, online auctions and retail sales, wikis and webmail are all different types of web applications. Today there are millions of such apps running online, as businesses strive to establish a strong online presence.

The Top Challenges in Web Application Development. A complete guide to Flat Designs in Website Designing. Web site designing is undergoing a fast change with all the smaller digital devices like mobile phones picking up the internet. Scope of Ecommerce. The relationship between SEO and UX – The Indiana Digital. Since the first time “the website” was launched, it was static and wouldn’t offer many options, but over the years things have changed. Usability Testing Tools for a Better User Experience Design. Usability testing is an important aspect of the website and application development. Various usability testing tools are available to ensure that you provide a better user experience. Best Practices For Web Form Design. Web Form Design Best Practices. Web forms have become quite necessary nowadays, and one can see various types of web forms in various places to log in, sign up, subscribe to the newsletter and other pages, carry out surveys, buying online, provide reviews, etc.

Online brand building.

Here are some effective ways for building online brand awareness. See more at: – johnpmanjaly

13 WEB DEVELOPMENT TRENDS TO PAY HEED IN 2018. Top 10 Wireframe Tools to Help you with Website Design and Development. 7 ultimate elements every designer must know before designing an e-commerce site. The more you simplify the shopping experience, the happier your customers will be… A Brief Introduction to Progressive Web Apps or PWAs. Top 10 Wireframe Tools to Help you with Website Design and Development.