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La Conspiration du Système d'Éducation partie 1.


1. What is the democracy delusion? - Part 1 (of 3) 2. What is the democracy delusion? - Part 2 (of 3) 3. What is the democracy delusion? - Part 3 (of 3) 4. Where does the parliament come from? - Part 1 (of 2) 5. Where does parliament come from - Part 2 (of 2) Richard Wolff: Question capitalism. Alex Jones - The Two Party Dictatorship. Brutalité Policière\ Police Brutality. Obama déclenche la 3ième Guerre Mondiale - Alex Jones - une vidéo Actu et Politique.


Causerie géopolitique 01. Causerie géopolitique 02. Causerie géopolitique 03. Welcome to the National Security Agency. Charte canadienne des droits et libertés.