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JohnnyAngel Advocacy Group - Daily Digest of the Most Important News Stories on the Web That May Affect YOU. Pdk117. Racist Obama Bumper Sticker Urges Voters Not To ‘Re-Nig’ In 2012. Putting a bumper sticker on your car is a great, and annoying way, to alert the world about your political views.

Racist Obama Bumper Sticker Urges Voters Not To ‘Re-Nig’ In 2012

Apparently, it’s also a great way to declare that you’re racist. A photograph of a racist Obama bumper sticker has been making its way around the internet this week. The bumper sticker shows the Obama campaign logo crossed out next to the words “Don’t Re-Nig in 2012.” Law. 9/11 and the global consequences. Zawahiri: Co-opting Syria's Revolution. West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein. Rep.

West: I'll lead you off 'plantation' - Jennifer Epstein

Allen West says he is a “modern-day Harriet Tubman” who wants to lead black voters away from the “plantation” of the Democratic Party. There is a “21st century plantation” of African-American voters unwaveringly supporting Democrats, but the freshman Republican from Florida said Wednesday night that he is out to change that. Continue Reading. Threat Matrix - By The Long War Journal. April 12, 2014 12:00 AMBy Lisa Lundquist.

Threat Matrix - By The Long War Journal

The trials of being Muslim and American. The "All Dulles Area Muslim Society" (ADAMS) is the spiritual home for more than 5,000 families in the Washington DC area, and as such one of the largest mosques in America.

The trials of being Muslim and American

ADAMS, which claims on its website to have "an excellent relationship with the FBI, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of State, and various state and local law enforcement agencies," is keen to let everyone know that it rejects extremism and terrorism, and it also supports gender equality, co-operation with other religious communities, and charity work. Getting that message out is essential given the abuse directed at the Muslim community since 9/11. On the very night of the attacks, people broke into the mosque used by ADAMS at the time, and set fire to property inside. But other religious groups in the area were quick to express their solidarity and offer to stand guard or act as chaperones for female members of the community who felt unsafe. Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against The West.

Jerusalem Issue Briefs-A Strategy for Israel in the Changed Middle East. Vol. 11, No. 11 August 2, 2011 A Strategy for Israel in the Changed Middle East The options for Israel and the Palestinians basically can be boiled down to these: a permanent agreement, an interim agreement, a de facto interim agreement, and a situation of no agreement.

Jerusalem Issue Briefs-A Strategy for Israel in the Changed Middle East

The best possible option – a permanent agreement – is not operable at this time and is the least probable.Since the leaderships of Israel and the Palestinians are faced with the reality of a no-solution situation, one in which a permanent solution is not workable, both sides will have to do what people often do in life – they settle for less, settle for something which is less permanent, less perfect. Order. Republican Party No Longer Touts Faith, Values? July 19, 2011|2:56 pm The Republican Party has long been the party to tout the “family values” and “faith” cards.

Republican Party No Longer Touts Faith, Values?

As the party that courts the Christian Right, it would no doubt be profitable to do so. Download Popular Screensavers. Bible Questions Answered. West: There’s a Very Ugly History Here ... 'I Stand By What I Said!' - Allen West. Watch the latest video at <a href=" Florida congressman discusses his war of words with Rep.

West: There’s a Very Ugly History Here ... 'I Stand By What I Said!' - Allen West

Cain and Co.

Future Congress. Ollie North. Boehner Balderdash. My Interview on Obama Policy toward Israel and Other Issues. Prophecy News Watch - Biblical Prophecy in the News. » New Special Report.

Prophecy News Watch - Biblical Prophecy in the News

Top U.S. Military Officer: Iran Is In a Shooting War With America. OK, Where's the Policy Response? By Barry Rubin Let's pretend we are living in a sane and normal era with a sane and normal U.S. government.

Top U.S. Military Officer: Iran Is In a Shooting War With America. OK, Where's the Policy Response?

In that context, read the following paragraph from the Wall Street Journal and then let's think out loud about it. US and Mexico resolve trucking dispute, but how will it affect US roads? US teamsters have long warned that inviting Mexican 18-wheel rigs onto American highways was like giving a free pass to violent drug traffickers to smuggle their goods across the border.

US and Mexico resolve trucking dispute, but how will it affect US roads?

Skip to next paragraph Subscribe Today to the Monitor. Bombs in implants? We’re letting the terrorists win - ComPost. Posted at 01:42 PM ET, 07/07/2011 Jul 07, 2011 05:42 PM EDT TheWashingtonPost Do implants pose more of a health risk than we thought? Beware of Dr. Jihad. Gun-Running Timeline: How DOJ’s ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Unfolded. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in Arizona on Dec., 2010. Two guns found at the scene had been purposely sold to gun traffickers in a program hatched by the Obama Administration. (AP photo) ( - Operation Fast and Furious was a program carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), a division of the U.S.

Justice Department. In this operation, which began in the fall of 2009 and continued into early 2011, the federal government purposefully allowed known or suspected gun smugglers to purchase guns at federally licensed firearms dealers in Arizona. Critics Say Soros Trying To Stack the Courts - George Soros. By Maxim Lott Billionaire George Soros spends tens of millions each year supporting a range of liberal social and political causes, from drug legalization to immigration reform to gay marriage to abolishing the death penalty. Stansberry's Investment Advisory.

Mainstream media demoralization

Pajamas Media » Seeing the Light. I have often wondered why the preponderance of left-liberal writing and expression-in-general has recently grown so wrong-headed, obtuse, hackneyed, tedious, stagnant, uneventful, dismal, shallow, and, in a word, dingy. Google.