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Deep Thoughts — with Barney Frank. Caroline B. Glick: Obama's only policy. Jewish World Review August 5, 2011 / 5 Menachem-Av, 5771 Obama's only policy By Caroline B.

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's only policy

Glick How he's shrewdly succeeding in his battle against the Middle East's sole democracy Hyperbole? | Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has explained repeatedly over the years that Israel has no Palestinian partner to negotiate with. Israel has no one to negotiate with because the Palestinians reject Israel's right to exist. Given the Palestinians' position it is obvious that Netanyahu is right. So why is Israel engaging in these discussions?

The only logical answer is to placate US President Barack Obama. For the past several months, most observers have been operating under the assumption that Obama will use the US's veto at the UN Security Council to defeat the Palestinians' bid next month to receive UN membership as independent Palestine. Given Congressional and public support for Israel, it is likely that at the end of the day, Obama will veto such a resolution. But he has not made policy. Economists stay calm as stocks crash worldwide. Just a few days after the United States narrowly avoided defaulting on its debt, stock prices worldwide took a sudden and brutal downturn.

Economists stay calm as stocks crash worldwide

But experts say a dissatisfying economic outlook for sovereign debt in the eurozone also played a central role in the sell-off. Despite this, economists believe the global economy is still growing, although at a slower pace than in the first half of the year. The downward spiral in stock markets doesn't necessarily mean a new recession is at hand, they say.

According to Tobias Knedlik, an economist at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), stock prices and real economic development are connected only by a "fairly weak" link. While stock prices are measured daily and are therefore volatile, real economic growth is measured in quarters or years, he pointed out. Although the US needs more stimulus programs, it must tread carefully. Governent Shutdown. Www.newsmax. Rubin Reports » The Ultimate “Arab Spring” Quote. By Barry Rubin Rania Rifaat is the ultimate secular-oriented, social media-using, Egyptian “Arab Spring” activist.

Rubin Reports » The Ultimate “Arab Spring” Quote

During a recent demonstration in Tahrir Square she complained: “We, the youth, did the revolution. We didn’t say that it should be Islamic or whatever. And people felt good. Good so far, right? “They are like the Jews—-they always break their promises.” This is like the famous ancient paradox in which a philosopher from Crete says Cretans are always liars. It is also like a true story of the Russian Revolution (the material was found by a historian in the Czarist secret police files opened recently).

Alexander Kerensky was the non-Jewish liberal democrat who ruled Russia between the February anti-Czarist revolution and the October, Communist revolution. In this case, Rifaat is willing to agree on this point with those in her own country who she most hates and distrusts otherwise. Mere pragmatism is welcome by comparison. An empire strikes back by Colonel Oliver North. Getting on your questions that those unexpected loans coupon may hike up when agreed.

An empire strikes back by Colonel Oliver North

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“What are you going to do with her once ‘The Empire’ bans your shotguns?” To them, the U.S.