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A Step-by-Step Checklist for Writing Your WordPress Blog Posts. I don’t know about you but if I want to do a job right I feel much more comfortable with a checklist to refer to.

A Step-by-Step Checklist for Writing Your WordPress Blog Posts

Otherwise you’re just leaving it up to the reliability of your focus and memory in any given moment. Mental checklists are all well and good but it if you want to make sure everything is done according to plan, you really should have everything written down. That is why I have a step-by-step checklist that I refer to when creating blog posts — it ensures that I follow every single necessary step in order to get the job done right first time. Last week I introduced the portion of my checklist relating to tasks before you even start writing the post. In this post I want to cover all of the necessary tasks to carry out before publishing the post.

Pre-Publishing Checklist Hitting that Publish button can often feel like a bit of a momentous occasion — especially if you are going live with a post that you have put a great deal of work into. 1. 2. 3. 4. A Complete Guide to WordPress SEO by Yoast [Part I] This is part I of a two-part guide.

A Complete Guide to WordPress SEO by Yoast [Part I]

You can find the second post here. Out of the box, WordPress is fairly well optimized for search engines. However, if you want to go beyond “basic” search engine optimization, you will need to install a plugin. Which brings us to a two horse race between All in One SEO Pack and WordPress SEO by Yoast. It is not the purpose of this post to pit these two plugins against each other, but in a nutshell, SEO by Yoast has more features and I prefer it by a distance. Although the plugin’s power and functionality can be somewhat overwhelming to new users, in reality, it is pretty easy to set up and use. What About Your Theme’s SEO Features? There are two very good reasons as to why you should not use a specific theme’s SEO features: If or when the time comes to switch themes, taking your SEO settings with you may be very difficult (or impossible)SEO by Yoast is typically the superior option Getting Started with SEO by Yoast The Dashboard Titles & Metas Like this.

Manage WordPress Sites from One Dashboard – 30 WordPress tutorials for designers. (Image: © Alexandra Bruel) WordPress is one of the world's most popular publishing platforms.

30 WordPress tutorials for designers

It's highly customisable, very easy to use and it's completely free, making it an obvious choice for anything from a simple blog to an online design portfolio. Because of its enormous popularity, there's a wealth of WordPress portfolio themes available, plus plenty of WordPress tutorials online to help you get to grips with the CMS. But with so much choice, things can often get confusing. To save you time, we've picked 25 brilliant WordPress tutorials from around the web. 01. Perhaps the most frightening part of getting started with WordPress is the business of actually installing it. 02. This complete guide to creating your first WordPress site is a great place to start if you're a total beginner, or someone with a bit of experience looking to fill holes in their knowledge. 03. 04. 05. Next page: Intermediate WordPress tutorials.

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Wordpress Security. Wordpress Plugins. Wordpress Widgets. Theme Development.