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Spherical Environment Mapping (MatCap/LitSphere) and Normal Mapping. Nexus Interactive Arts. FIELD Playful Interactive Installations. Playing with GLSL in Processing « Amnon P5 – Experiments with Processing by Amnon Owed. Playing with GLSL in Processing Posted by Amnon on June 17, 2012 · 21 Comments I’ve wanted to learn more about GLSL shaders for a while now. GLSL is a high-level shading language created to give developers more direct control of the graphics pipeline. In short, you can tell your GPU directly what it should be doing. These last two months I’ve been reading up on syntax and diving into shader development headfirst to gain the basic knowledge and experience needed to write shaders that work. My intention with this blog post is to share some of my initial experiments and the lessons learned along the way! Let’s go back to where this process started for me. The big picture.

Fortunately there are many helpful resources out there. All right, fast forward to my most recent finished project. The basic shader that’s running this is actually quite simple. Apart from Processing, three contributed libraries were used in the making of this. Like this: Like Loading... Robert Hodgin | Portfolio.