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Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger. Kathy Hanbury: going from Tech Comms to Content Strategy | Firehead. Former technical communicator Kathy Hanbury, now founder of E3 Content Strategy in Vancouver, Canada, tells how she made the career jump to content strategist. Maybe you could too… Thinking of switching careers from technical communication to content strategy?

You’re in good company. Tech-writing is the perfect training ground for content strategists. We’re trained in plain language, task-based topics, structured writing, customer analysis, interviewing and information design.We can think in 3D as we determine how our users will navigate through our content.We’ve been part of doc teams and understand the information development cycle.And if we’re lucky, we know about personas and user scenarios. These are all fundamental building blocks of content strategy. It’s a natural transition (via anger and education!) I learned new methodologies and standard user-centred design processes. There are as many different paths towards content strategy as there are content strategists.

1001 of the best content strategy links | Firehead. Want to learn a little more about content strategy? Here’s our pick of the best articles, posts, slideshows, connections, videos and links by content strategists and thought leaders, covering everything you could ever want to know about content strategy. Community Must-reads Introduction to content strategy Writing and content strategy Design and content strategy UX and content strategy Measuring content strategy Measuring Content Strategy: Not a Piece of Cake – Keri Maijala Conference reports [We’ll be putting together a list of useful conferences soon so grab our RSS feed to ensure you get it – CJ] How-tos and presentations Case studies The content strategist’s skillset Content strategy across platforms Content strategy for large organisations Accessibility and localisation More links List compiled by CJ Walker, Firehead CEO, and Fiona Cullinan, Firehead blogger, May 2010.

Other posts you might like: Content Strategy: Content Strategy Mind Map - Updated. Tom Johnson: Finding a Content Strategy for your blog | Firehead.