Lockdown Productivity: Spaceship You. How The Presidential Candidates Spy On Their Supporters. If you follow politics, it’s no secret that campaigns on either side of the aisle have invested in using data and analytics over the last decade in search of an edge.
Yet most people don’t realize the scope of the digital tracking technologies that presidential candidates are leveraging in real-time across the internet, especially on their own website visitors. Candidates’ websites send personal data and information from every visit to a plethora of advertising networks, including well-known platforms like Google and Facebook, as well as smaller specialized networks like Outbrain and Criteo. The impact of politically-affiliated technologies has led to huge, grassroots fundraising hauls.
The continued development of analytics and tracking software has given each candidate more opportunities to understand their supporters and personalize their messaging. Below, we take a look at the Biden and Trump campaigns’ analytics and tracking technology in 2020. Tracking Technologies Email Technologies. Data: Querying, Analyzing and Downloading: The GDELT Project. Thumbnails & Screenshots using FFmpeg - 3 Efficient Techniques - OTTVerse. There are several easy ways to take screenshots/thumbnails of movies using FFmpeg.
But why do this in the first place? You might want to generate thumbnails for your videos and show those thumbnails to the user when he scrolls through the video. Or, you might want to compare two videos by doing a side-by-side comparison – this is quite common in video compression research. :SPARQL query service/A gentle introduction to the Wikidata Query Service. A gentle introduction to the Wikidata Query Service[edit] Have you ever wondered about questions like these?
What are the largest cities in the world that have a female mayor? What airports are located within 100km of Berlin? Who were all known descendants of Genghis Khan? Wikidata has the answers. Pork farm in podcasts. Uncensored Internet access for Windows and Mobile. Ruins of forgotten empires: APL languages. One of the problems with modern computer technology: programmers don’t learn from the great masters.
There is such a thing as a Beethoven or Mozart of software design. Modern programmers seem more familiar with Lady Gaga. It’s not just a matter of taste and an appreciation for genius. It’s a matter of forgetting important things. talk to the hand that made APL. Teach Yourself Computer Science. Sixteen APL Amuse-Bouches - Vector. The amuse-bouche is the best way … to express big ideas in small bites. – Jean-Georges Vongerichten, 2002 Such were the vagaries of what may have been the most powerful computer language ever hatched by a Canadian.
Raspberry Jams - Raspberry Pi Community Events. RRULE Generator Tool for Scheduling iCal Recurring Events. RRULE Generator Tool for Scheduling iCal Recurring Events. How to Set up Repeating Event in Google Calendar on Last Day of Month. Building an Ad Copy Excel Template. One of the most useful documents in the “Useful Stuff” folder I keep on my desktop is an Ad Copy Proposal Template.
Gephi Tutorial on Network Visualization and Analysis. How to Move Live WordPress Site to Localhost? » WebNots. There are applications like MAMP and WAMP used to create a local server environment.
This helps to install packages like WordPress so that developers and site owners can build their site in local PC or Mac. Once the local site is ready, it can be easily moved to the live server. Tidy-data. Network Better Without Business Cards. Readability Redux. I recently posted about using a Python module to convert HTML to usable text.
Since then, a new package has hit CRAN dubbed htm2txt that is 100% R and uses regular expressions to strip tags from text. I gave it a spin so folks could compare some basic output, but you should definitely give htm2txt a try on your own conversion needs since each method produces different results. On my macOS systems, the htm2txt calls ended up invoking XQuartz (the X11 environment on macOS) and they felt kind of sluggish (base R regular expressions don’t have a “compile” feature and can be sluggish compared to other types of regular expression computations). I decided to spend some of Labor Day (in the U.S.) laboring (not for long, though) on a (currently small) rJava-based R package dubbed jericho which builds upon work created by Martin Jericho which is used in at-scale initiatives like the Internet Archive.
Download Cytoscape. Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.
Draw Venn Diagram.