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Top 10 Places for Teaching English. CNN 2009. Chicago Tribune 2012. February 08, 2012|By Leslie Mann, Special to the Tribune When Joe Pizzo graduated from the University of Illinois in 2009, the job market was bleak in the U.S. So eventually he set his sights overseas. Through a South Korean governmental agency, Pizzo, a Sycamore resident, landed a job teaching English to high school students in Daejeon, South Korea. He liked it so much, he returned last month for a second year. Pizzo is one of many young Americans these days who are taking jobs teaching English in other countries.

Along with a steady salary, the overseas gigs give them career experience — and adventure. "The demand exceeds the supply," said Dave Perling of the need for teachers overseas. After teaching in Japan and Thailand, Perling launched to match candidates with jobs. "A few years ago, all you needed was a college degree — in anything," Perling said. More and more people around the globe are learning English. Pizzo said he saves most of his paycheck. "You learn," he said.

New York Times 2013. LONDON — It was not the most relaxed of cocktail parties. Teachers and administrators — who had been running down corridors and stressing out in elevators between job interviews in recruiters’ hotel rooms — were sipping pints of beer and glasses of wine, scanning the room nervously. As recruiters from international schools lined up at the cash bar at a Hilton, their perspective future employees watched for any signals that they might have landed jobs. This is one of the last international school job fairs to be held this spring by Search Associates, an education recruitment company, meaning that for some teachers and administrators, this was the last chance to get hired for the autumn.

Fifty schools were at the fair, as were hundreds of teachers who had flown in from places including Kenya, Texas and Singapore. It was an intensive two days, said Frida Jodin, a history teacher from Sweden who was interviewing for jobs in Portugal, Bangladesh and Germany. Photo.