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Learn to Program, by Chris Pine. A Place to Start for the Future Programmer I guess this all began back in 2002. I was thinking about teaching programming, and what a great language Ruby would be for learning how to program. I mean, we were all excited about Ruby because it was powerful, elegant, and really just fun, but it seemed to me that it would also be a great way to get into programming in the first place. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Ruby documentation geared for newbies at the time. Some of us in the community were talking about what such a "Ruby for the Nuby" tutorial would need, and more generally, how to teach programming at all. And it wasn't very good. What saved me was that I made it really easy for people to contact me, and I always tried to help people when they got stuck.

A couple of years later, it was getting pretty good. :-) So good, in fact, that I was ready to pronounce it finished, and move on to something else. Thoughts For Teachers About the Original Tutorial Acknowledgements. Documentation. Guides, tutorials, and reference material to help you learn more about Ruby Installing Ruby Although you can easily try Ruby in your browser, you can also read the installation guide for help on installing Ruby.

Getting Started Official FAQ The official frequently asked questions. Ruby Koans The Koans walk you along the path to enlightenment in order to learn Ruby. Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby An unconventional but interesting book that will teach you Ruby through stories, wit, and comics. Ruby Essentials A free on-line book designed to provide a concise and easy to follow guide to learning Ruby. Learn to Program A wonderful little tutorial by Chris Pine for programming newbies. Learn Ruby the Hard Way A very good set of exercises with explanations that guide you from the absolute basics of Ruby all the way to OOP and web development. Manuals Programming Ruby The seminal work on Ruby in English, this first edition of the Pragmatic Programmers’ book is available for free online.

Ruby Core Reference. Ruby Programming Language. Getting Started with Rails. 1 Guide Assumptions This guide is designed for beginners who want to get started with a Rails application from scratch. It does not assume that you have any prior experience with Rails. Rails is a web application framework running on the Ruby programming language. If you have no prior experience with Ruby, you will find a very steep learning curve diving straight into Rails. There are several curated lists of online resources for learning Ruby: Be aware that some resources, while still excellent, cover versions of Ruby as old as 1.6, and commonly 1.8, and will not include some syntax that you will see in day-to-day development with Rails. 2 What is Rails?

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby programming language. Rails is opinionated software. The Rails philosophy includes two major guiding principles: 3 Creating a New Rails Project The best way to read this guide is to follow it step by step. 3.1 Installing Rails Open up a command line prompt. 4 Hello, Rails!

Ruby Quiz. Ruby Tutorial - Learn Ruby. Ruby Essentials. Ruby Tutorial. Helping Ruby Programmers become Awesome! Ruby Study Notes: TOC Core Ruby Programming Introduction InstallationWhat is Ruby? Downloading Ruby and an EditorRuby Programming Environment First Ruby Program Features Numbers in RubyOperators and PrecedenceDifference between or and || operator Fun with Strings Variables and Assignment Summary 1 ScopeGlobal scope and global variablesBuilt-in global variablesLocal scope Getting Input Names in Ruby More on Ruby Methods Writing own Ruby MethodsBang (!) MethodsMethod names ending with ? Note: The Ruby Logo is Copyright (c) 2006, Yukihiro Matsumoto. . © 2006-2017 - A Ruby Tutorial Page Updated: 1st Jan. 2016 | Design: Erwin Aligam | Valid: XHTML | CSS Home | Privacy | Sitemap.

Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials. A former student asked me a few days ago how I learned Ruby on Rails. The answer was that I simply read alot of great tutorials. So in the spirit of sharing, here are the 12 tutorials that I found most useful: Rolling with Ruby on Rails – Curtis Hibbs of offers his first excellent introduction to Ruby on Rails.

This is the article that got me really excited about RoR.2. Hey, Ruby on Rails Fans! UPDATE, JUNE 2009: Want more up-to-date tutorials on Ruby programming? Happy Rails developing and if you have any other tutorials that you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments! Tagged as: ruby on rails, tutorial.