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Easy Access to Favorite Folders -- by Savage. Easy Access to Favorite Folders -- by Savage When you click the middle mouse button while certain types of windows are active, this script displays a menu of your favorite folders. Upon selecting a favorite, the script will instantly switch to that folder within the active window. The following window types are supported: 1) Standard file-open or file-save dialogs; 2) Explorer windows; 3) Console (command prompt) windows. The menu can also be optionally shown for unsupported window types, in which case the chosen favorite will be opened as a new Explorer window. Download This Script | Other Sample Scripts | Home. 10 AutoHotKey scripts to wildly boost productivity, Windows XP. AutoHotKey is a scripting language that has caught on in a big way because it enables large boosts in productivity often with only a few lines of code.

This is a list of 10 pre-built scripts I find invaluable–combined they automate the majority of my administrative tasks. To run any of the scripts, you’ll need to download and install AutoHotKey first. Also, I’ve only tested these scripts in Windows XP. 10. Alarm Clock – to remind you of important moments during the day. 9. Joystick Mapping – gamers will appreciate this feature, transposing Joystick inputs to keyboard commands allows you to control games without keeping your hands glued to the keyboard. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. I use it to store frequently used conference call information, various folders I’m always accessing in Windows Explorer, and shortcuts for URIs. Scripts & Functions.

Script Showcase. Community - Mouse and Keyboard Macros and Hotkeys. 1 Hour Software by Skrommel.