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EBooks. Filter Guide for Inkscape Scalable Vector Graphics. Learn Digital Design: No budget necessary. InkScape - How To Information. Video. Inkscape Tutorial. Inkscape tutorials - Create a woodgrain texture effect in inkscap. Business card tutorial in inkscapeorg. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a business card template using Inkscape. The steps in this tutorial will work for Inkscape versions 0.46 and 0.47.

Creating The Template Importing the PDF template For the purposes of this tutorial, the stock for our business cards we will be the Worldlabel 3.5″ x 2″ Business Card. Download the PDF template from the Worldlabel website: Launch Inkscape, and open up the PDF template using the File > Open... menu item. Your document should now have the template visible, similar to the image below. 1.2. The next step is to convert the lines that make up the template into Inkscape guides. Now, keep the lines selected, and choose Object > Objects To Guides from the menu. The next step is to double check the Inkscape’s snapping preferences. 1.3.1.

Open up the Document Properties dialog by going to File > Document Properties... in the menu. 1.3.2. 1.4. 2. 2.1. Rectangle in layer #G1234 2.2. 2.3. Rubber Stamp. The origin of this short tutorial is my vote in the referendum for impeachment of the Romanian President, Saturday 19 May 2007. I vote NO to the impeachment and NO to the restoration of the communist mafia, also known as patrulaterul maro or the 322. How is made Beyond the political statement, here is a quick graphic lesson, a HowTo about creating the rubber stamp above with Inkscape. Using the Ellipse tool draw a circle (keep the Ctrl key pressed to obtain a circle). Done! Update: a Romanian translation is also available. How it's made: create a RPG map element with Inkscape. Preamble It's been a while since I wrote a tutorial (in fact quite a while, as "wrote" ! = "published") and that was for good reason: I was not able to come with a tutorial fitting the rest of my my tutorial site and did not want to break the tradition .

So it was a hard decision to write this piece, which comes as a conclusion to my quest to create a RPG tileset of over 50 clipart images, a decision I made mostly because I already was asked about how I made the images and expect even more questions in the future. This is not exactly a tutorial, is more a "'how it's made" (or "making of"), the steps below are an illustration of my Inkscape workflow used to create the clipart set, I won't pretend this is the best process, or even a good or simple process, is exactly that: an illustration of my own workflow. On the course of this process a simple building, a jailhouse will be drawn, starting with the black and white contours, adding a number of small details and finishing with coloring.

Inkscape Tutorials - Tutorial Index for Inkscape. Creating Swirls in Inkscape by ~MrTentacleguy on deviantART. Learning Inkscape - An Order of the Stick Avatar Guide. Index Introduction - Guide to the guideReference material - Finding background pictures for our avatar Layers upon layers - Using layers, select, zoom and importing images to set up our workspace It all starts with a circle... - Making a head with circles, fills, strokes and the eyedropper Making the body - Making the body with rectangles and object ordering Out on a limb - Arms and legs with the pen and node tool Hands and eyes and mouth and... - Finishing the base model with the hands, eyes and mouth Gender change - Making a female body shape with the node tool Clothes make the avatar - Building a costume A trip to the hairdresser - Adding features to the head Giving your avatar props - Finishing the character with items or weaponsExporting the goods - Exporting your creation to PNG for the web Note about the guide Welcome to my guide on making an Order of the Stick avatar with Inkscape!

- David Shaw If linking to this site, please link to the index page. How to Draw a Hackergotchi with Inkscape. Inkscape's deviantART favourites. Inkscape: sticker with folded edge tutorial « ryan lerch. Use Inkscape to Create a Grunge RSS Box Icon. How to create an Icon using new features of Inkscape 0.47, such as: gradients, blur, path effects, and mask on texture layer. We'll be walking through every step involved in creating this grungy RSS feed icon box.

There is some great vector material in this tutorial! Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Tutorial Details Program: Inkscape 0.47pre4Difficulty: IntermediateEstimated Completion Time: 1 hour Step 1 First, we need the last Inkscape release (0.47pre4). Step 2 Let's start by first opening a new document, selecting the Bezier Curve tool (B), and drawing a rough of three faces of a cube in a perspective view (Press Command to draw vertical bezier line). Step 3 Be sure to enable the new user interface of snapping in Inkscape's toolbar and the check snap node button to align nodes. Step 4 Now we'll cut the upper face in two parts. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7. Articles: Drawing volumetric objects in Inkscape - Libre Graphics World. With this Inkscape tutorial you will learn to draw a 3D looking snowman, but ultimately you will get a grasp of creating shadows and reflections the right way.

Inkscape is a relatively young yet fast evolving generic vector graphics editor in the lines of Adobe Illustrator and Corel DRAW. The application can be run on Linux, Windows and Mac and it's freely distributable along with source code. Its main file format is SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics, a W3C standard recommended for publishing vector graphics on the Web). I'm going to show you how to use this great application to create 3D looking images and I'll use my snowman postcard as an example. For a start let's create very basic shapes and play with them. Inkscape has specific tools to create graphic elements like ellipses, rectangles, stars and polylines.

However, if you want your drawing to look more vivid, it's better to outline a shape (Ctrl+Shift+C) and bend it. Let's keep drawing. Talking of reflections... That's about it. Jessyink - Project Hosting on Google Code. JessyInk is a JavaScript that can be incorporated into an Inkscape SVG image containing several layers. Each layer will be converted into one slide of a presentation. Current features include: slide transitions, effects, an index sheet, a master slide and auto-texts like slide title, slide number and number of slides. 23 February, 2013: Fernando da Rosa Morena published a blog post with a very complete and detailed comparison of Prezi and JessyInk.

The article is titled Presentaciones, Prezi vs. JessyInk (Spanish) and can be found on Fernando's website. It also includes examples and video. 22 February, 2013: JessyInk release 1.5.6: The main purpose of this release is to introduce the Mozilla Public License Version 2 (MPL) as an alternative license for the core JessyInk script. 27 December, 2010: JessyInk release 2.0.0 alpha 1: This is a development snapshot of version 2 of JessyInk. Although this version of JessyInk is functional, it is not recommended for production use.

Vectors. Tutorial List « the inkscape tutorials weblog. Creating a Coffee Cup with Inkscape. Inkscape is an open source alternative to Adobe Illustrator and other programs for creating vector graphics. In this first Inkscape tutorial for Vectortuts+, we'll create a beautiful coffee cup and show off some of Inkscape's features. We'll mostly be drawing shapes and using the Gradient Tool to accomplish the desired effect. If you're familiar with Illustrator or a similar program, you should be able to follow along relatively easily. If you would like to download Inkscape, go to If this is your first time using Inkscape, I recommend that you complete a few of the tutorials that come bundled with Inkscape first to get the hang of how the program works (available from the Help menu). Begin by opening up a New document in Inkscape.

Let's start by making the saucer that the coffee cup rests on. Now we want to fill the ellipse with a radial gradient. We want a gradient with two shades of gray, so click the Edit button underneath the gradient. You now have a finished saucer! The ultimate guide for creating shiny web buttons with Inkscape. I will follow some ways to create various kinds of web buttons with Inkscape: simple, aqua, crystal, with and without shadows, of various colors and in various states. Simple buttons with a 3D look I'll start with the simplest button, which will be reused later for the other styles. Using the Rectangle Tool draw a rectangle and fill it with the desired color.

Round the corners (here I used a 16px radius): Duplicate the rectangle, fill the copy with a gradient from partly transparent black to fully transparent black. Put the copy over the original rectangle (I used two rectangles to ease the creation of derivatives with other colors later) Duplicate the rectangle once again, move it a bit to the right and down, make it black, apply a slight Gaussian Blur filter and move it at the bottom of the stack, under the rest of the elements. This is the base button: With the Text Tool put a text label on the button. Choose the font, size and color as you want.

Aqua Buttons Crystal buttons Reflexion. 10 Tips For Creating Good Looking Diagrams Using Inkscape. After multiple attempts to find a good free diagraming application I think I have found a decent solution. I'm not creating enough diagrams to justify buying something expensive and I don't feel like finding a graphics designer to make Dia diagrams prettier. If you have a Mac you are probably not in as bad a situation since you can buy OmniGraffle for $79. But for those of us without a Mac or who are just very cheap I think the best solution starts with Inkscape. I've put together a list of 10 tips that will help make better looking diagrams with Inkscape.

You will want to download Inkscape first. 1. This is one of the most important things you need to do. I'm using the following color scheme for the examples here: 2. Don't be afraid to use the sides of the screen as a scratch pad. 3. Learning the hot keys will speed up your drawing. Group – Ctrl-Gun-group – Ctrl-Shift-Gcreate square – F4create circle – F5create polygons – *transform – F1 4. 5. First draw a square: Then draw a circle: 6. The Inkscape Community - 13 Beautiful Inkscape Tutorials for Creating Stunning Vector Graphics.

Inkscape Tutorials - Search for Inkscape Tutorials on Pixel2Life. Nicu's How-to. Inkscape Wiki. Inkscape. Abstract Inkscape, Guide to a Vector Drawing Program is the guide to the Inkscape program. The web-based version is linked directly under the program's Help menu. This book is both an introduction and reference for the Inkscape drawing program. With Inkscape, one can produce a wide variety of art, from photo-realistic drawings to organizational charts.

Inkscape uses SVG, a powerful vector-based drawing language and W3C web standard, as its native format. SVG drawings can be directly viewed by all the major web browsers including Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer (starting with version 9). The first third of the book is devoted to eight tutorials that progress in difficulty from very basic to very complex (three additional tutorials were written explicitly for the PDF and print versions). Simple metal orb using Inkscape « Chrisdesign blog. Posted: February 14, 2008 in Tutorials (English) Hello ! Today i`ll show you how to make an simple metal orb using only gradients in Inkscape. First draw a circle by pressing ctr and dubble it. Open the fill and stroke dialog: open the editor: Now create some radial, gray scale gradients by adding stops like this: Well, it`s easier with the new feature in Version 0.46: The fill without the alpha channel to the first bottom circle the other to the second.

For more contrast you can give one of them a small stroke. Now light an shadow: The finish metalorb: Changing the gradients you get more metals. Here is the SVG file absolutely free to use: If you have found an mistake or bad english, please send a mail: Chrisdesign (@) gmx (.) net An other example, a piercing-ring (now at OCAL): You want see more pictures using this technical? Like this: Like Loading... 35 Tutorials to create amazing Vector Graphics using Inkscape | Speckyboy Design Magazine. Inkscape is a vector graphic editor that’s the perfect alternative to Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw, as it doesn’t cost you a penny. It may not be as powerful as its higher-priced rivals, but certainly powerful enough to design high-quality and beautiful vector graphics. If you are looking to venture into vector design, we recommend giving Inkscape a try and learn as much as you can about vector art, and then if you need something with more kick, splash out on Illustrator.

Create a Light Bulb Icon in Inkscape Illustrating a Rainbow Create a Vector Compass in Inkscape Pac-Man Baddies Rubber Stamp Create a Chibi Tux Penguin Pile of Coins Postage Stamps Text and Simple Styling in Inkscape Paper Note Epic Logo in Inkscape Melon Vampire Valentine's Day Hearts in Inkscape Inkscaping a Globe with Latitude & Longitude F10 Gears: Drawing the Gears Creating a Goblet in Inkscape Teeworldslike Logo Make an iPod Chrome Text Transparent Sphere Related Topics This page may contain affiliate links. Color Palette.