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Newspaper Online vs. Print Ad Revenue: The 10% Problem. How will newspapers shift their business center of gravity online the same way most have shifted their audience center of gravity?

Newspaper Online vs. Print Ad Revenue: The 10% Problem

That is the question keeping every newspaper executive awake at night. Bill Keller, the New York Times Executive Editor and excellent editorial emissary, made the following comment in an interview: But the Web audience is growing at a great clip, while print circulation is not. And online revenues are growing faster, too, albeit from a smaller base. If the trend continues, there’s little doubt that — “eventually” — online becomes the main business. Most newspaper executive use words like “eventually” to push off into a fuzzy future a transition that they know needs to happen sooner rather than later, but still find impossible to conceptualize because of the 10% problem. What is the 10% problem? Online unique users (12 month average): 13,372,000 Print circulation – weekday: 1,120,420 Print circulation – Sunday: 1,627,062 But why is this so? Here’s the pricing: How To Use the “Seven Deadly Sins” to Turn Visitors into Customers - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement Since the beginning of time, people have exploited the human desire to sin so that they could achieve their goals.

How To Use the “Seven Deadly Sins” to Turn Visitors into Customers - Smashing Magazine

Finding out what causes people to sin helps us understand the triggers which prompt people to take an action. The Web has made it even easier to exploit these tendencies to sin, in order to build user engagement and excitement about your service or product. In this article we’ll show examples of how successful companies exploit the tendency to conduct all the famous Seven Deadly Sins, and in turn generate momentum with their website visitors. Ready? Sin #1: Pride Pride is defined as having an excessively high opinion of oneself. People want to say: “Yes, Fortune 500 companies use this tool and I use it as well,” or “Yes, I got on the homepage of Dribbble in front of thousands of other designers; that’s the type of work I do.” Showing off your customers.

Full Interactive View | Summary viewFronting up the top users. Full Interactive View | Summary view (ik)(vf) How To Identify Good Clients (and Avoid Bad Ones) - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Peter Drucker is one of the most influential business writers of the last century.

How To Identify Good Clients (and Avoid Bad Ones) - Smashing Magazine

His ideas have shaped the ways we conduct business today. One of Drucker’s main ideas was the notion that without a customer, there is no business. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is the key to the success of any business, or in his words: “The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer.” To that, I say amen. Crafting Your Principles Link The quest for good customers starts early on. Here are the parameters to consider: Size What sizes are the companies you have enjoyed working with? Qualification Is Crucial Link If you get this right, you will gradually see your customer relationships improve. To keep it simple, I’d recommend a total of four to five principles; but as with everything, tailor it to your own business. Self-Qualification Link Ngen6 uses the same “trick.” (al, vf) Showcase of Beautiful (or Creative) E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement Designers are constantly striving to create eye-catching designs without losing the usability features that add significant importance to the experience of online shopping.

Showcase of Beautiful (or Creative) E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine

Today’s showcase presents a variety of websites with elegant design solutions and innovative design techniques. We have analyzed the designs and now discuss their advantages and disadvantages in this review. We also suggest improvements and further ideas that could help improve shopping experience on these sites. Hopefully, you can learn something useful from our thoughts. Heartbreaker Fashion1With clothing inspired by ’50s and ’60s fashion, pin-up girls and vintage culture, Heartbreaker’s design nicely fits the company’s profile, with its pastels and retro textures. Hunter’s Wines2Hunter’s Wines is an online wine store. Also, we have doubts about some elements on the page.

Sassy Duck3Sassy Duck is a young fashion-forward handbag brand that creates luscious accessories for the modern woman. Cow&Co.
