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Animals being jerks. Published on Saturday, August 20, 2011 by administrator EmailShare 0EmailShare Please be patient while this very heavy gallery loads. News: Best of Verticles Part II. §. From the entire VRI team, we'd like to thank you for your support over the past 40 days. Going forward from the Kickstarter, we are now focusing our entire efforts at There you will be able to pledge directly to game development.

For Kickstarter pledgers, nothing has been charged to you, so please feel free to resubmit your pledges at the post-Kickstarter site. Should you have any questions, our team is ready to take your questions at Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts. With over 3,000 backers on the Kickstarter we are confident in the interest in Pantheon and through the pledges on the new site we will be able to begin full development mode. Come join in the development process, and we'll see you all in Terminus very soon! Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is an MMORPG based on challenging gameplay and open world high fantasy, with a strong focus on group-oriented content. "Strata! Classes 1. Races 1. Stretch Races 1. Game Features. Happiest Sheep in the World - SRSLYcute | Seriously Cute.