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Extra 2 : The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 | European Year of Cultural Heritage. The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe's cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The slogan for the year is: Our heritage: where the past meets the future. The year will see a series of initiatives and events across Europe to enable people to become closer to and more involved with their cultural heritage. Cultural heritage shapes our identities and everyday lives. It surrounds us in Europe's towns and cities, natural landscapes and archaeological sites. Why cultural heritage? Cultural heritage has a universal value for us as individuals, communities and societies. Cultural heritage comes in many shapes and forms. Through cherishing our cultural heritage, we can discover our diversity and start an inter-cultural conversation about what we have in common.

Cultural heritage should not be left to decay, deterioration or destruction. What is happening in 2018? Extra 5: What is Intangible Cultural Heritage? - intangible heritage - Culture Sector. The term ‘cultural heritage’ has changed content considerably in recent decades, partially owing to the instruments developed by UNESCO. Cultural heritage does not end at monuments and collections of objects. It also includes traditions or living expressions inherited from our ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts. While fragile, intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing globalization. An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different communities helps with intercultural dialogue, and encourages mutual respect for other ways of life.

Intangible cultural heritage is: Safeguarding communities’ living heritage. Extra 1 :Browse the Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Register of good safeguarding practices - intangible heritage - Culture Sector. The Committee meets annually to evaluate nominations proposed by States Parties to the 2003 Convention and decide whether or not to inscribe those cultural practices and expressions of intangible heritage on the Convention’s Lists.

By clicking on the inscribed elements listed below, you can discover the nominations, photos and videos, together with Committee decisions and evidence of community consent. You may also experience a conceptual, visual and interactive navigation through ‘Dive into Intangible Cultural Heritage’ interfaces which demonstrate the thematic interconnectedness between all the elements inscribed and their relation to nature or to threats. Intangible Cultural Heritage. Demokratie ǀ Zerstört die Zentrale. Demokratie Großkonzerne beherrschen das Internet. Diese Macht ließe sich durchaus brechen Und es begab sich in dem Jahr, dass im Staate Kalifornien ein liebliches Kind ward geboren. Und dass der Vater dem Neugeborenen hinterließ einen Brief, dessen Inhalt die Welt nie zuvor gesehen. 99 von 100 Teilen ihres Vermögens wollen er und seine Gemahlin Priscilla künftig verwenden, um Krankheiten zu heilen und starke Gemeinschaften aufzubauen.

So der Menschenfischer Zuckerberg, dessen Netz zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits weite Teile des Globus erfasste. Die ganze Welt vernahm es und nahm die Gabe dankend an. Unabhängig von der Ankündigung des Facebook-Gründers Mark Zuckerberg, mit einem Großteil seines Vermögens nun die Lösung der globalen Probleme weiter zu privatisieren: Die Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Leben ohne Facebook und Google ist heute schon für die Mehrheit der Menschen kaum vorstellbar. Anschluss für Afrika Thomas Wagner ist Soziologe, Journalist und Autor des Buchs Robokratie.

03-Coeln_Grundeinkommen-TH. Wealth ‘creators’ are robbing our most productive people | George Monbiot. There is an inverse relationship between utility and reward. The most lucrative, prestigious jobs tend to cause the greatest harm. The most useful workers tend to be paid least and treated worst. I was reminded of this while listening last week to a care worker describing her job. Carole’s company gives her a rota of, er, three half-hour visits an hour. Is there more difficult or worthwhile employment? Her experience is unexceptional. Let’s imagine the lives of those who own or run the company. Such people will soon become very rich. They’ll acquire a wide investment portfolio, perhaps including a few properties, so that – even if they cease to do anything resembling work – they can continue living off the labour of people such as Carole as she struggles to pay extortionate rents. It doesn’t matter how many times the myth of meritocracy is debunked.

One of the most painful lessons a young adult learns is that the wrong traits are rewarded. The inverse relationship doesn’t always hold. New Cooperative Development. B. Henehan. Authors: Brian Henehan, Cornell University,, and Bruce Anderson, Cornell University Reviewers: Gerald White and Brent Gloy, Cornell University Summary: There is increased interest in economic alternatives as individuals try to adopt needed technology and compete in today's dynamic global markets. Introduction to New Cooperative Development The social and economic history of the world records innumerable cases of individuals on all continents utilizing collective action to address common social and economic problems by forming cooperatives. Collaborative business groups can be organized in a variety of ways, linking companies together in a larger, overarching relationship for a common purpose.

While such membership organizations are known by a variety of names, in general they may be logically classified as networks, alliances or cooperatives. Motivation to Start a Cooperative Distinctive features of a cooperative come into play right from the start. The Argument For Worker-Owned Tech Collectives ⚙ Co. For all the tales of gilded startup parties and billion-dollar valuations, tech workers are often the most overworked, misunderstood and undervalued employees. Others struggle as freelancers or attempt to launch their own businesses. In the face of all that hardship, developers like me are turning more and more to collectives. I’ve been a part of the cooperative movement for eight years. During that time, I’ve visited conferences and cities all over the country to promote the worker-owned co-op I founded, The Toolbox for Education and Social Action, or TESA. (You might recognize the game I created there, Co-opoly: The Game of Cooperatives.)

While traveling the country, I’ve watched as the number of people launching co-ops has exploded, especially in tech world. And while they might be flying under the radar in the mainstream, they’re poised to shake up the way things are done. Here’s how technology co-ops work, and why you might want to join one. The Cooperative Difference. Democracy and growth: New evidence. Many analysts view democracy as a neutral or negative factor for growth. This column discusses new evidence showing that democracy has a robust and sizable pro-growth effect. The central estimates suggest that a country that switches from non-democracy to democracy achieves about 20% higher GDP per capita over the subsequent three decades.

A belief that democracy is bad for economic growth is common in both academic political economy as well as the popular press. Robert Barro’s seminal research in this area concluded that “More political rights do not have an effect on growth...The first lesson is that democracy is not the key to economic growth” (Barro 1997, pp. 1 and 11). “One-party nondemocracy certainly has its drawbacks. In “Democracy Does Cause Growth”, we present evidence from a panel of countries between 1960 and 2010 challenging this view. There are several challenges in estimating the impact of democracy on growth. Figure 1 We deal with all of these in our paper. Figure 2. A Cautionary Tale. Published: 12 September 2013 Author: Teresa Cavero and Krisnah Poinasamy European austerity programs have dismantled the mechanisms that reduce inequality and enable equitable growth. With inequality and poverty on the rise, Europe is facing a lost decade.

The austerity programs bear a striking resemblance to the ruinous structural adjustment policies imposed on Latin America, South-East Asia, and sub-Saharan African in the 1980s and 1990s. Oxfam calls on the governments of Europe to turn away from austerity measures and instead choose a path of inclusive growth that delivers better outcomes for people, communities, and the environment. "Oxfam's report, A Cautionary Tale: The true cost of austerity and inequality in Europe, makes an important contribution to assessing the high and long-lasting costs of these ill-conceived policies.

" - Professor Joseph Stiglitz Key recommendations European governments must: 1. 2. 3. 4. Country case studies on austerity and inequality. 1:12-Initiative. How S. and N. Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’ While many of us are working to ensure that the Occupy movement will have a lasting impact, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice. Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in the 1930s after prolonged nonviolent struggle.

They “fired” the top 1 percent of people who set the direction for society and created the basis for something different. A march in Ådalen, Sweden, in 1931. Both countries had a history of horrendous poverty. When the 1 percent was in charge, hundreds of thousands of people emigrated to avoid starvation. Under the leadership of the working class, however, both countries built robust and successful economies that nearly eliminated poverty, expanded free university education, abolished slums, provided excellent health care available to all as a matter of right and created a system of full employment.

This it did. Making green housing affordable - Opinion. What comes to mind when you think about green communities? I find many people think about technology - solar panels, wind turbines, or rapid public transit. Another important pillar of green communities is action: the actions people take related to the buildings in which they live. Green communities must incorporate technology and action. As an uncertain housing market continues to plague the economy, obesity rates escalate, and the number of children and adults living in poverty reaches an all-time high, green housing and sustainable community development have never been more critical.

Implementing a holistic vision of sustainable development in the residential sector would help the US address three of its biggest challenges: an economy in the doldrums, climate change, and rising long-term health care costs. Reduce, reuse and recycle The results of these collective actions by Myrtis and her peers, paired with green upgrades at the property, are impressive.

Measurable benefits. If you want democracy to work, you have to make work democratic - Opinion. The citizens of western democracies have a problem. We lack the powers necessary to shape our shared life. In my first three pieces for Al Jazeera this year I talked a little about three areas where this deficiency is most pressing. We don't have sufficient control over the public subsidies for science and technology. We don't have sufficient control over the institutions that create credit and therefore distribute demand in the economy. And we don't have sufficient control over the communications system. This last problem is perhaps most serious. The author of a major report on climate change, Nicholas Stern, recently said that the problem is much worse than he originally thought. New powers of oversight Problems in the major media create a chain of corresponding problems throughout our shared life.

So it is clear that we need new powers of oversight and direction in the related fields of communication, subsidy and credit. Addressing this means changes in the workplace and beyond. Mehr als soziale Gerechtigkeit: Umverteilung kann wirtschaftliches Wachstum fördern. Mehr als soziale Gerechtigkeit: Umverteilung kann wirtschaftliches Wachstum fördern Die staatliche Umverteilung von Reich zu Arm kann das wirtschaftliche Wachstum einer Gesellschaft nachhaltig fördern.

Das hat eine theoretische Modellberechnung der Jacobs University in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Bremen und der ETH Zürich ergeben. Die Wissenschaftler konnten zeigen, dass eine Vermögensumverteilung nicht allein aus sozialen oder sicherheitspolitischen Erwägungen sinnvoll ist, sondern auch klare ökonomische Vorteile mit sich bringen kann. Die Ergebnisse wurden jetzt von „PLOS ONE“ veröffentlicht (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054904). Grundlage der Ergebnisse sind eine mathematische Analyse und Computersimulationen, die den sogenannten Portfolio-Effekt auf den Bereich gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen anwenden. Dem Jacobs-Wissenschaftler ist bewusst, dass die meisten Menschen intuitiv zu einer genau entgegengesetzten Strategie greifen würden. Robots and Robber Barons. Socialist firebrand Adam Smith points the way in struggle for a living wage - Opinion. Another world is possible, despite what the 1 per cent say. The funny thing is, it's a world described as simply equitable by none other than the so-called "father of capitalism", Adam Smith, whose actual words would automatically get him labelled as a socialist today.

There are increasing signs of resistance to that world as it is - and beyond that a growing sense of what needs to change and why, connecting the immediate, the structural and the philosophical fundamentals. To begin with the immediate, two recent events show signs of life for a new militancy among the working poor in America, no doubt inspired in part by the Occupy movement, as well as their own desperate circumstances. Their circumstances have been desperate for a good long while now. But the change in public consciousness due to Occupy is new - and growing. Living wage calculator These workers are not teenagers. It's also clearly not necessary for their wages to be so low. Wages largely 'remain stagnant'

What Money Can't Buy - the moral limit of markets.

Urgent problems

Umwelt schafft Wissen. The Economics of Happiness - Jeffrey D. Sachs. Exit from comment view mode. Click to hide this space NEW YORK – We live in a time of high anxiety. Despite the world’s unprecedented total wealth, there is vast insecurity, unrest, and dissatisfaction. In the United States, a large majority of Americans believe that the country is “on the wrong track.” Against this backdrop, the time has come to reconsider the basic sources of happiness in our economic life. In this respect, the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan has been leading the way. Dozens of experts recently gathered in Bhutan’s capital, Thimphu, to take stock of the country’s record. All who gathered in Thimphu agreed on the importance of pursuing happiness rather than pursuing national income. Here are some of the initial conclusions. Second, relentless pursuit of GNP to the exclusion of other goals is also no path to happiness.

Third, happiness is achieved through a balanced approach to life by both individuals and societies. The problem is not just foods. Wirtschaft und Wirklichkeit. Die Ökonomie des Glücks - Jeffrey D. Sachs. Wie Gewährleistungsstaat und Rechtsstaat zusammenhängen | Telepolis (Print) Privatisierung ist Diebstahl an der Öffentlichkeit. NEN-Network. Principles-for-a-new-economy. Das Wunder von Mondragón? - Die größte Industriegenossenschaft der Welt | Das Feature.

The rise of the attention economy - Opinion. P2P Foundation. Democracy Convention Aug. 7 to 11: New Economic System Needed and Growing.