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Oposiciones a la enseñanza. EXPOELEARNING, todo sobre e-Learning - 7 y 8 de marzo 2019. Recursos per a la recerca de feina sector educacio CAT tcm9 12125. ITOL (Interactive Tools for Online Learning) Revistacomunicar. TOJDE. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL) Journal Metrics (Scopus):2016 CiteScore: 0.70 | Ranking: 443/933 Education Q2 | 109/161 Management of Technology and Innovation Q3 2016 SJR: 0.302 | Ranking: 37/78 e-Learning Q2 | 95/159 Management of Technology and Innovation Q3 | 526/954 Education Q32016 SNIP: 0.752 | Ranking: 74/124 Management of Technology and Innovation | 399/745 Education As of 30 September 2017, the journal has published 310 articles, and received more than 1,238,397 full-text downloads; 111 articles published in KM&EL have been cited 282 times by 146 SSCI/SCIE indexed journals.

Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)

Editors-in-Chief Maggie M. Wang, The University of Hong KongStephen J. Journal of Online Learning Research - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. El moviment Edcamp: una proposta d'aprenentatge entre iguals per al professorat. Home. Transforming universities for the digital age. ReOPEN – Recognition of Valid and Open Learning. Learning Consortium. Editorial UOC - Editorial de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 1.

Editorial UOC - Editorial de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Recollida de dades i consentiment per al seu tractament En compliment de la Llei 15/1999, de 13 de desembre, de Protecció de Dades de Caràcter Personal, s'informa que les dades personals que se sol·liciten en els nostres formularis o que ens pugui facilitar per mitjà de les nostres adreces de correu electrònic, s'inclouran en els nostres fitxers de dades personals, responsable i titular dels quals és la EDITORIAL UOC (OBERTA UOC PUBLISHING, SL). Així mateix li informem que totes les dades seran tractades amb la màxima confidencialitat i conforme la normativa vigent en matèria de Protecció de Dades Personals, i que els nostres fitxers estan legalment inscrits al Registre General de l'Agència de Protecció de Dades.

OBERTA UOC PUBLISHING no es responsabilitza del tractament de les seves dades personals de les pàgines web a les que pugui accedir a través dels diferents enllaços que conté la nostra pàgina web. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2017 National Conference. USDLA 2017 National Conference April 30 through May 3, 2017 Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites, Indianapolis, IN Opening Keynote Speaker.

2017 National Conference

Blogs. This blog written by: Rob Robinson USDLA Board Member The annual USDLA Awards ceremony is always a fun occasion as several hundred of our members and conference attendees gather to enjoy a great meal and congratulate our various winners.


One of the most prestigious awards – and one that so directly linked to the core mission of the United States Distance Learning Association is the Award for Excellence in Teaching/Training. This year’s winner is Lisa Ullmann who teaches online high school calculus for Florida Virtual School (FLVS). I had the chance to follow up with Lisa and chat about her work, the award, and FLVS.

I started by asking her how she got into teaching math. “I knew forever I wanted to be a teacher, but wasn’t sure what kind. USDLA – United States Distance Learning Association. Annual Conferences. The mission of EDEN is to maximise the potential to exchange academic and professional experience, to promote effective navigation in the field, and improve the quality and depth of information available to the sectors concerned.

Annual Conferences

The EDEN conferences: have become major academic and professional ODL events in Europe, supporting professionalisation and international exchange of experience and expertise;are gatherings where comprehensive and orientative contributions are presented by outstanding experts, politicians and academics;are based on collecting best practice – every year papers presented in conference sessions are selected for publication in the ‘proceedings’, serving as important resources for the professional community;have a genuine community feel to them, where existing working-relationships strengthen and deepen, and where new partnerships are formed. EDEN employs an integrated approach to organising its conferences. Publications related to our events 2015 Barcelona 2014 Zagreb. Distance Education: Vol 38, No 3. European Distance and E-Learning Network – EDEN. Publications. European Parliament (Ed.). 2015.


Innovative Schools: Teaching & Learning in the Digital Era – Workshop Documentation. Brussels: European Parliament. Lonka, K. (2015) Oivaltava oppiminen. Otava. Hari, R., Järvinen, J., Lehtonen, J., Lonka, K., Peräkylä, A., Pyysiäinen, I., Salenius, S., Sams, M. & Ylikoski, P. (2015). Construir una escola per la generació de nadius digitals. Fundacio Jaume Bofill. Home. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Pensant els reptes del futur de l'educació a Catalunya. Edulab - Grup d'investigació en Educació i TIC vinculat l'eLearn Center i a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. EdOnline Research Group. eLearn Center - UOC R&I.