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The 75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century. João Carlos Cavalcanti. Alexei Barrionuevo "Estou ligado ao divino, a essas forças aí," João Carlos Cavalcanti, magnata brasileiro da mineração, disse ao estender o braço em direção ao lago coberto de lírios que fica atrás de sua mansão de US$15 milhões. » Forbes: Ermírio é o mais rico do Brasil » Eike diz que tem "complexo de Schumacher" » Operação transforma Eike no mais rico Uma brisa suave balançou sua barba branca. Cavalcanti, parado em seu píer, fechou os olhos por um segundo. Minutos depois, quando Cavalcanti subia a colina, atravessando seus jardins de inspiração tailandesa e indonésia e ornados com estátuas budistas, seu celular tocou. Essa é a vida do novo bilionário brasileiro - vida com a qual Cavalcanti sonhou desde os nove anos de idade e na época em que ele mergulhava em biografias de Henry Ford, John Jacob Astor e John D. Geólogo por formação, Cavalcanti - conhecido como J.C. - aplicou seus conhecimentos e considerável perspicácia na descoberta de reservas imensas de ferro e outros minérios.

[Galáxia] Revista Galáxia. Clean Sweep | TIME. As other actresses roamed the Golden Globe Awards dressed in wisps of lemon yellow and cerulean blue and glistening with diamonds, Angelina Jolie showed up wearing a solemn sheath the color of a Mao jacket, as if perhaps she had missed a turn on her way to a very chic commune.

While her look indeed turned heads, conspicuous for its anti-glamour, in a way it made more sense than the alternative. After all, with her philanthropy and travels through Africa and emphasis on family values, motherhood and global awareness, wouldn't it have been a glaring clash to be flashy? Was it... Subscribe Now Get TIME the way you want it One Week Digital Pass — $4.99 Monthly Pay-As-You-Go DIGITAL ACCESS — $2.99 One Year ALL ACCESS — Just $30! What Is Web 2.0. By Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?

" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. Many people concluded that the web was overhyped, when in fact bubbles and consequent shakeouts appear to be a common feature of all technological revolutions. Shakeouts typically mark the point at which an ascendant technology is ready to take its place at center stage. The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0.

In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example: The list went on and on. 1. Netscape vs. Fads are so yesterday.