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Library of Congress. Endocannabinoids Inhibit the Induction of Virulence in Enteric Pathogens. Molecular Basis of Chemotactile Sensation in Octopus. Free Creative Online Courses - Domestika. A partilhar sons de aves de todo o mundo. Distinções José Saramago. A obra de José Saramago foi distinguida em diversos países, com vários prémios, entre os quais cabe destacar o Prémio Luís de Camões em 1995 e o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1998.

Distinções José Saramago

Prémios 1979. Prémio da Associação de Críticos Portugueses — Melhor Peça de Teatro, representada em 1979, por A Noite. Portugal. 1981. 1982. 1982. 1984. 1984. 1985. 1985. 1986. 1987. 1991. 1992. 1992. 1992. Best way for artists and creators to get sustainable income and connect with fans. Meet your next favorite book. When we share, everyone wins - Creative Commons. Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - OpenStax CNX. - News and Articles on Science and Technology. Elon Musk’s startup eyes human testing for brain-computer interface.

Elon Musk’s high-profile foray into connecting brains to computers, a 2-year-old company called Neuralink, detailed its ambitions and unveiled some initial results at a livestreamed event yesterday before an invitation-only crowd at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

Elon Musk’s startup eyes human testing for brain-computer interface

With thousands watching online, Musk, the entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, described the firm’s goal of using tiny electrodes implanted in the brain to “cure important diseases” and “achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence.” Details about those planned applications remain sparse, but Neuralink briefly presented some of its first rodent data from ultrasmall electrodes at the event. Citações e Frases - Citador - Citações, Frases, Aforismos e Pensamentos por milhares de temas e autores. These DIY Eco-Friendly "Air Conditioners" Are Cooling Down Bangladesh. Out in the sticks of Bangladesh, the threat of flooding means that 70 percent of the population live in corrugated tin huts, most of which aren’t hooked up to an electricity supply.

In the heat of the summer, this can practically turn these houses into ovens. However, a project called Eco-Cooler is spreading knowledge of a cheap and electricity-free method to cool down houses throughout Bangladesh. The beauty of the project is it needs little more than a few plastic bottles and a board. It was started through a collaboration between advertising agency Grey Dhaka and Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd. Here’s how it works: Plastic bottles are cut in half and then mounted into a grid through bottleneck-sized holes. Not only does it not require any electricity, it also makes good use of disposed plastic bottles. Videos, articles, and tips to help you succeed, from the world's leading experts. 12 Windows shortcuts every educator should know - Microsoft in Education Blog. 7 coisas para tirar já do frigorífico... e evitar custos elevados na saúde. Guardar no frigorífico para mais tarde consumir é cada vez mais uma tendência na gestão financeira/doméstica das famílias portuguesas.

7 coisas para tirar já do frigorífico... e evitar custos elevados na saúde

No entanto, há que ter cuidado com o que se guarda, em que condições e durante quanto tempo… pois há uma série de perigos escondidos nos alimentos que podem resultar em elevados custos para a saúde. A Kitchen Daily, destacada pelo The Huffington Post, dá uma série de dicas para preservar a sua saúde: 1. Amantes de restos. De acordo com, o tempo de armazenamento para as sobras no frigorífico não deve exceder os quatro dias para evitar doenças transmitidas pelos alimentos. 2. 3.

8 truques que tornam o Youtube mais fácil de usar. O site techinsider desvenda os 8 truques que irão tonar a sua experiência no Youtube muito mais fácil.

8 truques que tornam o Youtube mais fácil de usar

Leaf Is A “Plug N’ Plant” Box To Automatically Grow Pot In Your Home. Marijuana is a sticky subject.

Leaf Is A “Plug N’ Plant” Box To Automatically Grow Pot In Your Home

Twenty-three states (and D.C) have legalized some form of medical use, but possession, growth and distribution are still illegal in the majority of the United States. However, as is the case with most new industries, slow regulation hasn’t stopped innovation. Leaf, a TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015 Battlefield company, is leading the revolution with its automated “Plug N’ Plant” home growing system.

Leaf’s device is a 4′ x 2′ box that will fit two plants, which will yield between 4-5 ounces of weed. However, Leaf is much more than just a mini grow house. The system will also react to these measurements, meaning that if it senses that your plants are low on nutrients it can dispense more, or if it needs more light it can automatically brighten the environment. Choose your favorite.

Como dormir seis vezes por dia ajudou a construir o império da WordPress. Elusive acid finally created. After more than a century of searching, chemists have finally nabbed a legendary acid.

Elusive acid finally created

The acid called cyanoform or tricyanomethane appears widely in textbooks as one of the strongest carbon-based acids known. Yet despite attempts to make the acid dating back to 1896, cyanoform has evaded chemists until now. Researchers report September 18 in Angewandte Chemie International Edition that they isolated the acid by figuring out crucial experimental conditions. The main problem was temperature, says coauthor Andreas Kornath, an inorganic chemist at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Researchers previously assumed that cyanoform is stable at room temperature. Fotografar Paisagens: técnica do cartão preto - Blog Olhares. A técnica do cartão preto é utilizada para conseguir fotografias bem expostas em situações de grande contraste (onde uma área da imagem está mais clara que a outra, o que acontece ao fotografar paisagens).

Fotografar Paisagens: técnica do cartão preto - Blog Olhares

Esta técnica pode ser utilizada principalmente em momentos como o nascer do sol ou o pôr do sol, quando a exposição do céu está muito diferente da exposição da paisagem. Usar o cartão preto é uma forma fácil de realizar uma fotografia bem exposta sem ser necessário grande edição posterior. The 4 Bad Habits That Could Ruin Your Relationship. The 4 Bad Habits That Could Ruin Your Relationship. DeMilked - Design Milking Magazine. How to Make Difficult Conversations Easy: 7 Steps From a Clinical Psychologist. Someone is screaming in your face at the top of their lungs.

How to Make Difficult Conversations Easy: 7 Steps From a Clinical Psychologist

Or ranting angrily and you can’t get a word in edgewise. Or maybe they’re sobbing so hard you can barely understand what they’re saying. We’ve all been there. These situations don’t happen a lot (thank god) but we all feel helpless when they do. And because they’re rare we don’t ever seem to get better at handling them. Problem is, these moments are often critical because they’re usually with people we care about. What’s the best way to handle these difficult conversations? I called someone who knows: Dr. Pandas against boredom! Sobre las parábolas. Franz Kafka Online. Aquaculture. Solaiman Sheik shows off the harvest from his father’s small pond near Khulna, Bangladesh: freshwater prawns, a profitable export.


The family also raises fish in the pond and, in the dry season, rice fertilized by fish waste—a polyculture that has tripled output with little environmental downside. Photograph by Jim Richardson In a dark, dank warehouse in the Blue Ridge foothills of Virginia, Bill Martin picks up a bucket of brown pellets and slings them into a long concrete tank. Fat, white tilapia the size of dinner plates boil to the surface. Martin, president of Blue Ridge Aquaculture, one of the world’s largest indoor fish farms, smiles at the feeding frenzy. By Joel K. Como perceber os vinhos através da sua Cor. Cão sobrevive e torna-se cão do ano de 2013. The Best Ways to Guess on Multiple Choice Tests. Home. Life Cycle of Bacteriophage Lambda.

Guia dos Solteiros. Já ensinamos aqui no blog como separar a roupa na hora da lavagem e como tirar manchas difíceis.

Guia dos Solteiros

Agora vamos ensinar o passo a passo para o solteiro se sentir completamente seguro ao lavar suas roupas. 1. Emergency Vets. "Dead Pixels. Chakra cleansing. Veterinaria Actual - Homepage. Bem vindo ao seu Médico online. 100,000 Stars. Ciência Hoje: Jornal de Ciência, Tecnologia e Empreendedorismo. Diamond Planet Found—Part of a "Whole New Class?" The universe just got a bit richer with the discovery of an apparent diamond-rich planet orbiting a nearby star. Dubbed 55 Cancri e, the rocky world is only twice the size of Earth but has eight times its mass—classifying it as a "super Earth," a new study says. First detected crossing in front of its parent star in 2011, the close-in planet orbits its star in only 18 hours. Myinstants! Instant button generator and database. As cinco coisas de que as pessoas mais se arrependem antes de morrer - Vida.

Perante as adversidades, o "sistema" neoliberal apresenta comportamentos extraordinariamente previsíveis, lineares, que de certo modo até poderiam dar um bom "case study". Sempre que o "sistema" sente a sua estabilidade ameaçada em termos de credibilidade, surgem fenómenos estranhos, ainda que não sejam assim tão difíceis de explicar. Recordo-me que há uns tempos, quando a comunicação social encostava alguns "ilustres" à parede, surgiram algumas jogadas estranhas mas não para todos que poderiam descredibilizar o jornalismo completamente, como o caso do famoso inspector da ONU.

A história passaria despercebida a muitos, até porque convinha descredibilizar os jornalistas nessa altura, tendo apenas um senão. O "sistema", composto por pessoas, empresas, autoridades, etc., "ignorou" curiosamente o passado comprovado do "inspector da ONU", ou seja, muita gente, desde particulares a empresas, fundações, autoridades, sabia que ele era um burlão, andando contudo a dar entrevistas nos mídia. União Zoófila - Ajuda e Protecção aos Cães e Gatos Abandonados. Journal of Biological Engineering. Particles Moved Faster Than Speed of Light? Neutrinos—ghostly subatomic particles—may have been observed traveling faster than the speed of light, scientists announced this week.

If confirmed, the astonishing claim would upend a cardinal rule of physics established by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago. "Most theorists believe that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So if this is true, it would rock the foundations of physics," said Stephen Parke, head of the theoretical physics department at the U.S. government-run Fermilab near Chicago, Illinois. (Related: "Proton Smaller Than Thought—May Rewrite Laws of Physics. ") Aulas de Guitarra Clássica. B Lymphocytes (B cells) Tudo que você precisa saber sobre câmeras fotográficas. Falar com alguém iniciado no assunto de câmeras ou até mesmo ler sobre essas incríveis máquinas pode fazer com que você se sinta lendo uma língua que não entende. Mas não se preocupe: neste artigo, nós traduzimos os termos mais comuns quando se fala sobre câmeras fotográficas, seus tipos e usos. Sign in to StumbleUpon.